【参考译文】最短的Dreamliner型号,787-8,是第一个在2009年12月飞行的变体,然后是更长的787-9在2013年9月飞行,接着是最长的变体,787-10,在2017年3月飞行。这些变体在国际民用航空组织飞机类型设计ator列表中分别被称为B788、B789和B78X。[312] 短程787-3在2010年被取消。 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议 ...
Boeing 787-9 launch customer, Air New Zealand, takes delivery of their first Boeing 787-9. Painted in the distinctive black livery, it was handed over in a ceremony at Paine Field. March 2016 Assembly began on the first Boeing 787-10. ...
参考译文:在2022年11月,有消息揭示,四架测试用的777-9飞机之一的GE9X发动机在10月6日遇到了技术问题。波音随后暂停了测试计划,等待GE对此问题进行调查。 2. 设计 Design 777X将引进诸多在787的设计理念。例如,更大的窗户,挑高的天花板,增高舱压到等同海拔6,000英尺(1,800米),与维持较高的湿度。为了提供这些新...
The 747-400 Dreamlifter (originally called the 747 Large Cargo Freighter or LCF) is a Boeing-designed modification of existing 747-400s to a larger configuration to ferry Boeing 787 sub-assemblies to the Boeing plant in Everett, Washington, for final assembly. Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corpo...
747-100B(IATA:741):在747-100基础上的改进型。提升了飞机的航程以及MTOW(MaximumTakeOffWeight/最大起飞重量),加强了机翼、起落架。747-100B仅生产了9架,其中有8架交付给了沙特航空(Boeing 747-168B,HZ-AIA~E、HZ-AIG~I),一架交付给了伊朗航空(Boeing 747-186B,EP-IAM)。
sales but the 757 was winding down. Airlines seemed once again to be gravitating toward smaller airliners like the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737 which were being offered in a range of sizes. Boeing was also looking toward an all-new airliner which would eventually become theBoeing 787 ...
It also signified a change as 767 production was moved to a smaller part of the Everett factory to make room for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner assembly line. Orders for the 767 passenger version started to wane, however, the 767 cargo version was still in demand, as is the air force tanker...
模型拿到,起落架和机翼发出一些滋滋嘎嘎的响声,很是吓人 分享749 客机模型吧 上局沪段 Qantas Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Registration:VH-ZNJ 分享929 客机模型吧 Boeing700 N747PA一年多的追寻,终于如愿以偿 +1 分享161 波音吧 贴吧用户_QUQ4eZ9 (原创)787纸制机翼一楼不给 分享352 飞机吧 airbuskoBoeing 【...
Boeing again has increased the maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of the 787-9 as it further refines the performance of the larger variant due in late 2013. According to the March 2011 update to its "airport compatibility brochure", the MTOW of the 250- to 290-passenger 787-9 has increased...