Boeing 777-8X 6,005 Lahoski107 7.0 years ago Download 1,501 downloads Replica Civilian Jet United States Here it is everyone!!! It looks amazing, also it preforms well to. But a few flaws: it rotates too soon, also the fuselage mesh appears when you zoom out too much. other than ...
Like the 787 Dreamliner, which was launched as the 7E7, the 777X will be formally named at a later date. The 777-8X has a list price of US$349.8 million, and the 777-9X $377.2 million.
波音777X:全球航空界的革新巨擘 波音777X系列,作为波音777家族的新成员,包括777-8X和777-9X两种型号,被波音誉为全球范围内最大、最具效率的双引擎喷气客机。它的设计灵感源自787梦想飞机,搭载了创新的GE9X发动机,复合材料机翼以及可折叠翼设计,直指空客A350 XWB这一主要竞争对手。777-9X原型机的...
Boeing 777-8X's Successors 89 SimplePlanes Builds in SimplePlanes 2 - Part Two! Jundroo6 hours ago 7 Boeing 777-8X Simplelandian Livery Lahoski1076.0 years ago 1
01 May 2013 Boeing's board approves the selling of the 777LX to replace the 777-300ER from 2021. 18 September 2013 Lufthansa becomes the launch customer of the 777-9X with 34 orders. November 2013 At the Dubai air show the 777-8X was launched. The 259 orders and commitments amounting ...
The latest version of the "777X Airport Compatibility Brochure" also intriguingly publicly reveals the maximum take-offweights (MTOW) for the 777-9X and 777- 8X for the first time. Both 777X variants are listed with a common MTOW of 351,534kg, or 1kg less than the listed MTOW for the...
A Lufthansa deal for 34 777-9Xs was revealed on September 19 when the airline announced its widebody replacement plans (see 777-9X for Lufthansa, November, p20). The 777X family comprises the 350-seat 777-8X with a range of more than 9,300nm (17,220km), designed to compete with the...
自从1999年通用电气被选为777-200LR和777-300ER的动力以来,普惠和劳斯莱斯就被排除在有史以来最畅销的宽体飞机项目之一之外。但是,当波音公司决定是否为客户提供777-8X和777-9X发动机的选择时,GE对777的控制可能会改变。 11月,GKN航空航天公司高管兼劳斯莱斯合伙人对市场表示,他了解波音公司将在2013年初决定777X的...