“The nose section had broken off and was in a field outside town with First Officer Raymond Wagner and Flight Engineer Jerry Avritt still inside the wreckage when we arrived. Captain James MacQuarrie lay outside, already covered by a tarpaulin. Debris was visible in the steeply rolling pasture...
[7]波音公司也计划研发超长程的777-8LX,用来取代777-200LR,航程将由777-200LR的9,395 nmi(10,812 mi;17,400 km),略为延伸至9,480 nmi(10,910 mi;17,560 km),但是在同样三级舱等的配置下,777-8LX可以比777-200LR多搭载39名乘客,因为机舱内部更大,所以座位也会更宽敞。该型客机将与777-9X有相同...
The Boeing 777-200 plane, which was carrying 231 passengers and 10 crew on board, was heading to Honolulu when it suffered engine failure, 15,000ft above ground soon after takeoff. Images and videos of the incident went viral on the Internet. Images from Colorado appeared to ...
Holy COW do Sardines have it great inside their cans - because the economy seat pitch inside the plane tasked to this route makes them look luxurious! Although the service overall was excellent, with a very attentive cabin team and above average quality of provided food, these can't top the...
The special booklet really caught me off guard because they were willing to put so much effort into it – putting all those pictures together and I was surprised that they had all the tools onboard. I was literally speechless because this was definitely one of most touching things that any ...
然而,使用罗尔斯·罗伊斯Trent 1000的787却出现接连出包的问题频繁甚至情况严重,导致配备罗尔斯·罗伊斯Trent 1000的787的航空公司因此取消大半航班,甚至跟同航空联盟租借其它飞机执飞(如:新西兰航空向长荣航空干租1架波音777-300ER等)以及临时调度同航空公司其它飞机执飞(如:新加坡航空接获罗尔斯·罗伊斯的检修通知紧急...