Sell Boeing 767 Bbj14 BOEING Jets aircraft for sale. Airplane for sale in New York, United States: The Boeing 767 for sale by Jetnar. Offers for new and used Boeing 767s for sale can be sent to your e-mail address. On this page you will not find any information, why are the ...
而加长版BBJ 787-9则为9,485 nmi(17,556 km),仅次于波音777-200LR以及新加坡航空所使用的7架空中客车A350-900ULR超长程客机。 然而,由于787-10机身太长,该型号属于中短程型号,因此无法推出商务机版本[来源请求]。 4.6 拟开发型号 787-9 HGW/787-10 HGW 787 HGW(High Gross Weight)是787梦想客机的“加重...
Captains—Boeing 767F - Home Based21 AirUSA Pilot Jobs///Boeing & MD Operators Pilot Jobs///Boeing & MD Operators Type Rated First Officers—B737NG/MAX - AntaylaCorendon AirlinesEUR-UK Type Rated First Officers—Boeing 737 - UKJet2.comEUR-UK ...
参考译文:在2018年12月10日,波音在中东商务航空协会展览上推出了波音商务喷气机(BBJ)的变种。BBJ 777-8提供了11645海里(21570公里)的航程和3256平方英尺(302.5平方米)的客舱,而BBJ 777-9则提供了3689平方英尺(342.7平方米)的客舱和11000海里(20370公里)的航程。 3.4 777-8F 2017年,国际民用航空组织公布了新...
The open system architecture ensures the systems can be upgraded and extended. The AEW&C Wedgetail aircraft is compatible and interoperable with the E-3 and 767 AWACS airborne warning and control system aircraft. AEW&C Peace Eagle aircraft, which are designated for Turkey, are being fitted with...
The first BBJ rolled out on August 11, 1998, and flew for the first time on September 4.[143] 参考译文:在1980年代末,波音公司推出了77-33喷气式飞机,这是737-300的商务喷气机版本[142]。但这个名称很快就消失了。在引入下一代系列之后,波音推出了波音商务喷气机(BBJ)系列。BBJ1在尺寸上类似于737-...