Boeing 767-300 Interior Delta 767-400 Wing, Tail and Engine Panoramic (Back) Delta 767-400 Exterior Panoramic (Front) Delta 767-400 Tail & Wing Overlook (Day) Delta Boeing 767-400 Takeoff Boeing 767-400 Frontal Delta 767-400 Tail & Wing Overlook (Night) Delta 767-400 Exterior AerialJul...
2.3 内部 | Interior 2.3.1 机舱设计[3] 此图片遵循CC BY 2.0协议 图片题注:Most airlines have a nine-abreast (3–3–3) economy class, although some select an eight-abreast lower density参考译文:大多数航空公司的经济舱采用九排式(3-3-3)座位布局,尽管有些选择采用密度较低的八排式(2-4-2或3...
The Next Generation 737 interior was also adopted on the Boeing 757-300.The first NG to roll out was a 737-700, on December 8, 1996. This aircraft, the 2,843rd 737 built, first flew on February 9, 1997. The prototype 737-800 rolled out on June 30, 1997, and first flew on July...
There is a conspicuous lake of windows on the United 757-300. I couldn't see the exterior of the plane, but on the interior it looks as though they blocked off the majority of the windows Submitted bySeatGuru Useron 2019/06/28 for Seat 22B ...
Seems this is the same interior as the 767, but that is fine with a comfortable seat and good cabin crew. Much better than what American offers, even in first class. Submitted by SeatGuru User on 2015/11/15 LAN 787 in economy was an absolute nightmare. Very narrow seats and no leg...
The 747-400 carries 3,300 gallons (12,490 L) of fuel in the horizontal (tail) stabilizer, allowing it to fly an additional 350 nautical miles. Interior The award-winning Boeing Signature Interior is available on both the 747-400 and 747-400ER. ...
BOEING 787 DREAMLINER INTERIOR VIEW BOEING 787 DREAMLINER INITIAL ROLL OUT PICTURES BOEING 787 DREAMLINER COMPUTER SCREENSAVERS WALLPAPERS 787 Screensaver 1|787 Screensaver 2 Market interest for the 747X was tepid; the Sonic Cruiser faced much brighter prospects. Several major airlines, primarily in the...
fleet - norwegian - Flight Operations; Fleet. Sky Interior; Norwegian has ordered 17 Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner for its long-haul operations. Crew per flight: Two pilotes, 2 / 3 flight crew operation & training manual - btdigg - Boeing 787/Boeing-787-8 Flight Crew Operations ...
参考译文:诺斯罗普·格鲁曼E-8联合星是改装自波音707-300系列商用客机的飞机。 E-8携带专门的雷达、通信、操作和控制子系统。最显著的外部特征是在前机身下方的40英尺(12米)独木舟形状的雷达天线罩,内部装有24英尺(7.3米)APY-7主动电子扫描阵列侧视机载雷达天线。 The VC-137 variant of the Stratoliner was a...