一架747SP被改装成平流层红外天文台(SOFIA)。最后一架飞机于1987年交付;一些被改装成国家元首专机。销量未达到预期的200架,最终仅生产了45架飞机。[2] 现时,仍然能够如常飞行的波音747SP皆为普惠公司(加拿大)拥有,分别来自中国国际航空及大韩航空;而两部硕果仅存的747SP,仍然继续肩负着测试飞机引擎性能的任务。
除此之外,还有一架特别的N747NA被作为“同温层红外线天文台(SOFIA)”使用,她的故事在这就不过多介绍啦,如果对这个有兴趣的可以去看女王从军记——那些特殊用途的747。 打破纪录的N533PA 波音747 SP对于中国大陆地区来说有着极其深刻的意义,1980年2月,中国民航引进了中国大陆地区的首架宽体客机,一架生产序列号为...
NASA的 N747NA号波音747SP的蒙太奇视频镜头———为了获得最佳的太空观测数据,NASA的科学家乘坐携带巨型望远镜的经过高度改装的747环游世界。———红外天文学平流层天文台(英语:Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy,缩写:SOFIA)是NASA、德国宇航中心(DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahr...
FlightAware 航空照片: BOEING 747SP (四发)(N747NA), NASA's Boeing 747SP N747NA the Stratospheric Observatory For Infra-red Astronomy (SOFIA), in the Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility at Air Force Plant 42 on April 8, 2009. SOFIA carries a 2.5 meter diam
FlightAware 航空照片: BOEING 747SP (四发)(N747NA), SOFIA accelerating hard down Runway 02 for a long flight northward to Palmdale CA via Honolulu Hawaii. NZCH
FlightAware 航空照片: BOEING 747SP (四发)(N747NA), SOFIA accelerating hard down Runway 02 for a long flight northward to Palmdale CA via Honolulu Hawaii. NZCH
美国宇航局波音公司7475月2日,SP索非亚航空天文台在德克萨斯州乡村上空的第二次检查飞行中,飞越了一层蓬松的云层10, 2007. 来自美国宇航局.(NASA"s Boeing 747SP SOFIA airborne observatory soars over a bed of puffy clouds during its second checkout flight over the Texas countryside on May 10, 2007. ...
NASA's website has a picture with the door open: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/SOFIA/overview/index.html Report skylab724 年以前 Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA A significant rebuild from the original SP...A unique aircraft with a unique job. Report Rick Rodkey4...
NASA's website has a picture with the door open: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/SOFIA/overview/index.html Report skylab724 年以前 Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA A significant rebuild from the original SP...A unique aircraft with a unique job. Report Rick Rodkey4...
SOFIA approaching Palmdale after the last deployment down to New Zealand Camera Canon 5D Mark IV | Canon 100-400mm II Show Exif data Aircraft Reg: N747NA full info | N747NA photos Aircraft: Boeing 747SP-21 Airline: United States - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)...