MAX 7 / MAX 8 / MAX 9 Variants of the 737 Max 8 and 9 with upgraded engines and aerodynamics to offer a 7,000 nmi, 6,325 nmi, and 6,255 nmi range respectively Wide Body Models BBJ 747-8 Up to 100 VIP passengers and an 8,875 nmi (16,436 km) range ...
The Boeing 747: The plane that shrank the world 提交时间:4 年以前 It became an icon of long-haul travel and exotic holidays; Boeing’s 747 could fly more people further than any plane before. Stephen Dowling looks back at an aviation classic 50 years after it was first unveiled....
“… Production problems with the 787, 747-8 and now the 737 Max have cost billions of dollars, put airline customers at risk, and tarnished decades of accumulated goodwill and brand
Qantas remained an all-747 airline until 1985 when its first Boeing 767 took flight, but before the decade was out, Qantas added yet another type of Boeing 747 to its fleet: the Boeing 747-400. And for Qantas, the Boeing 747-400 was a game-changer: In 1989, Qantas’ first Boeing 747...
Max. Speeds (km/h) High shift 49 Low shift 15 Min. stable speed (km/h) High shift ≤1 Low shift ≤1 Minimum turning diameter (m) ≤10 Height of traction bolt (mm) Front traction bolt 649/733 Rear traction bolt 481/817 Driving type All ...
British Airways set a new New York–London subsonic commercial aircraft speed record on 9 February with the BA112 landing in London 4 hours 56 minutes after departing New York. The specific flight was of the Boeing 747-400 airliner was a typical one and the aircraft was loaded with no any...
Speed tapes CRT display selectors Global Supertanker support VNAV overhaul to 747-400 specification Electrical Synoptic Fuel Units - Selectable by LSK Thrust references Hydraulic synoptic Split rudder VR move commands Custom parking brake command
除初代737外,还包括737经典型,737新世代及737 MAX。最初的波音737于1967年首飞。(双引擎,单通道,在产) 747:世界上第一架配置有双层甲板的客机,也是第一种宽体飞机,采四发动机配置,根据机种与舱等设计差异载客量介于200至500人不等的长程宽体客机系列。因其体积大,四引擎,可从机头进货等优势,不仅有原生及...
The E-4 series are specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program.[3] 【参考译文】波音E-4高级空中指挥所(AACP),即当前的“守夜者”飞机,[2]是由美国空军(USAF)运营的一系列战略指挥与控制军用飞机。E-4系列飞机是专为美国国家紧急空中...
but the feel and thought required took me back to the old days of fly cargo around the world in the old 747-200 Cargo series, and that aircraft was a serious challenge at max weight and a half to get the aircraft just off the runway, so that Boeing 747 heavy, heavy ...