SR:ShortRange,短途,类似于Domestic; SUD:StretchedUpperDeck,延长上层客舱; M:Combi,客货混装型。 泛美飞剪货运747-200F 坏老鹰飞剪号 波音747-100(飞女正传—Boeing 747 Original) 747-100(IATA:741丨ICAO:B741):747系列最初始的型号。747-100共有三种可选择的引擎型号,为PW JT9D-3A(每台推力19730千克)...
Boeing could not afford to develop an all-new design, instead opting to shorten the 747 and optimize it for speed and range, at the expense of capacity.[8] 【参考译文】作为747-100的缩短版,SP机型是为了满足两个市场需求而开发的。[5]第一个需求是在与DC-10和L-1011竞争的同时,保持与747的共...
【飞行模型】Boeing 747 8i KLM波音飞机模型3D图纸 Solidworks设计 大小:215MB 来源:互联网 注意事项:本文仅是图片集,仅供欣赏。如需共享图片,请遵守本公众号首页“更多图纸”中的“免责声明”。 发布于 2019-12-16 22:45 内容所属专栏 机械图纸狗 致力于在机械领域推广开源精神微信公众号机械图纸狗 订阅专栏 ...
一个有真正自动驾驶的747-8i(飞机在简介) 一名简飞玩家 494 0 02:05 (新)在简单飞机中获取风向! 一名简飞玩家 38 0 01:13 这个是魔改的波音767,把尾部改成了洛克希德l1011( 因为它的尾部特别好看)恒俞航空274航班空难自创的空难,第一次剪,轻点喷 超爱波音767 509 1 02:17 主起落架升级版...
747-200 The 747-200 has more powerful engines, higher takeoff weights (MTOW) and range than the -100. A few early -200s retained the three-window configuration of the -100 on the upper deck, but most were built with a 10-window configuration on each side. ...
A Billionaire Just Spent £400 Million Pimping Out A Boeing 747-8i 提交时间:9 年以前 Welcome aboard the custom-built plane that makes Air Force One look like The Wright Brothers’ first effort. These extraordinary images show an enormous jumbo jet that has been converted int...
您的购物车是空的。 密码 Facebook Instagram X YouTube TikTok Discord Bluesky UNITED TRAFFIC TEAM 立即评价 Specifications: 3ds Max Version: 8 UV Mapped: Yes Animated: Yes Textures: Yes Geometry: Polygonal Polygons: 8380 Materials: Yes Unwrapped UVs: Mixed ...
The Boeing 747 "jumbo jet" is thernworld's largest in-service airliner andrnwas the first wide-body commercialrntransport. The long-range jetliner,rnwhich can seat over 500 passengers,rnhad no direct competitor until Airbus'srnA380 arrived (see report). Thern747 is powered by four of any ...
品牌: Revell 标题: Boeing 747-8I 'Lufthansa' New Livery 数量: 03891 比例: 1:144 类型: 完整套件 发布: 2021 新贴花 条码: 4009803038919 (EAN) 包装: 折叠盒(侧面打开) 主题: Boeing 747 » 喷气机 (飞机) 开盒详情 注塑口, 水贴
747-8i. Designed as the descendant of the much-loved 747, it met with a very lukewarm reception and has since ceased production. Boeing at least could fall back on the original failsafe of the 747, by creating a freighter version of the 747-8. This has done slightly better. The bubble...