波音747-400大型货机(英语:Boeing 747-400 Large Cargo Freighter,常简称为747 LCF或LCF),正式官方命名波音747梦想运输者(Boeing 747 Dreamlifter)[1],是一款由美国波音开发,并由长荣航太科技(EGAT)负责改装的特殊用途大型货机。LCF于2006年8月进行第一次试飞,已改装四架,起初交付美国长青国际航空(Evergreen Interna...
参考译文:45,000磅力(200千牛顿)的推力是20世纪60年代第一代高涵道比涡轮风扇的典型代表:GE CF6用于道格拉斯DC-10,劳斯莱斯RB211用于洛克希德三星,普惠JT9D用于波音747。随着飞机和其动力需求的增加,这个市场很快被抛在了后面,留下了用于波音757的RB211(直到2005年),或用于波音C-17的普惠PW2000。新技术使得涵道比...
精靈寶可夢中的人物成为了流行文化的标志,比如在梅西百货感恩节大游行中出现的皮卡丘的气球、日本全日空所属绘有精靈寶可夢图样的波音747-400和波音777-300,以及上千种商品,2005年在名古屋和2006年在台北的PokéPark等。 LASER-wikipedia2 Boeing je najavio novi model 747-8 (prije pokretanja nazivan "Napredni...
Boeing 747 Large Cargo Freighter (LCF)Charleston, South Carolina, USA by Howard Mason on Prime PortalImages: 117 Boeing 747 CargoDale Elhardt by Dale Elhardt on AWCImages: 40 WikipediaFind on Wikipedia »Login Register 90000+ plastic modelers use us New releases (Jets)View more » Hot ...
LASER-wikipedia2 Un Boeing 747-400 può contenere oltre 210.000 litri di carburante. 这么巨量的燃料足以让飞机不停站地飞上一段极长的路程,即使从美国加州三藩市飞到澳洲悉尼,一段长达1万2000公里的航程,飞机也应付得来。 jw2019 Però quando sali a bordo del Boeing 787 non hai idea che quest...
The 747-400s first flight was on February 19, 1988, and, after a seven-month/500-hour flight-testing run, entered service with Piedmont Airlines that October.The 737-500 series was offered, due to customer demand, as a modern and direct replacement of the 737-200. It incorporated the ...
The Boeing 747: The plane that shrank the world 提交时间:4 年以前 It became an icon of long-haul travel and exotic holidays; Boeing’s 747 could fly more people further than any plane before. Stephen Dowling looks back at an aviation classic 50 years after it was first unveiled....
Boeing 747-400 – Air New Zealand. Commission your custom airliner prints at AircraftProfilePrints.com!‘Airbuses are very many computers that have an aircraft onboard so that they can fly.‘A Boeing pilot might be able to start an Airbus (unlike the Boeing, it’s automatic...
About the Aircraft: by Wikipedia The 747-400 and earlier versions had proven to be a very popular freighter, carrying around half of the world's air freight. To maintain this position, Boeing designed a freight variant of the 747-8, named the 747-8 Freighter or 747-8F. The company laun...
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