Engineering the future of aerospace capabilities By embeddinginnovationand prioritizingsafetyandquality, we’re delivering smarter, more sustainable results — in smarter, moresustainableways. Mapping the future of sustainable flight Discover the Boeing Cascade Climate Impact Model, a dynamic modelling tool ...
Boeing 747-438 Longreach VH-OJA,City of Canberra, at Sydney, Australia, August 1989. The motto, WE GO FURTHER has been painted on the fuselage in recognition of the new airliner’s distance record. (John McHarg) VH-OJA was the first of four Boeing 747-400 airliners ordered by Qantas mor...
By Ryan Ewing The National Transportation Safety Board said an improperly installed borescope plug led to a January engine fire on an Atlas Air Boeing 747. Maintenance on the aircraft was performed just four days before the incident. On Jan. 18,Atlas Airflight 3885 was ...
[179] Rolls-Royce offered its 68,000–72,000 lbf (300–320 kN) Trent 600 for the 767-400ERX and the Boeing 747X.[180] 参考译文:2000年3月,波音公司计划推出259座的767-400ERX,肯尼亚航空公司最初订购了三架,计划于2004年开始交付。增加总重量和尾翼油箱将使其航程增加到1,110至12,025公里(600...
60投票數 (4.77平均) 和35,539浏览 中等/大图/全尺寸BackForward Like Boeing 747-400 (LX-WCV) 提交时间:6 年以前 72of LX-WCV35594ofB744517atLHBP Tamas Pataki Comments
Boeing 747-400LCF freighters call Dreamlifters have had their fuselages widened to enable the transport of Boeing 787 fuselage barrels from South Carolina to the Everett assembly plant. The Dreamlifter delivered the final major assembly, the integrated mid-body fuselage, to Everett on May 16. ...
Turn theENGINE hydraulic pump selectors ON. The ELEC ENG CONTROL switches allow the electrical system to operate the engines. These buttons also have guard covers, so right click if you need to open them and be sure to close the guard when you're done. The 747's engines are primarily con...
波音767拥有两种标准机型,分别为767-200和767-300[4];三种延程机型分别为767-200ER、767-300ER和767-400ER。此外还有货运机型767-300F,军用改型包括波音E-767型预警机、KC-767和KC-46型空中加油机和VIP运输机和目前计划中的767X系列。 To complement the larger 747, it has a seven-abreast cross-sectio...
Overview-100747-sp-300-400-8 Boeing 747 Launch Customer(s) Pan American World Airways Manufacturer Boeing Aircraft Type Widebody First Delivery January 22, 1970 Last Delivery January 31, 2023 Number Delivered 1,573 Production Sites Everett, Washington, United States ...
The Boeing 747: The plane that shrank the world 提交时间:4 年以前 It became an icon of long-haul travel and exotic holidays; Boeing’s 747 could fly more people further than any plane before. Stephen Dowling looks back at an aviation classic 50 years after it was first unveiled....