Boeing had promised the 747 to Pan Am by 1970, so it had less than four years to develop, build and test the 747. Work progressed at such a breakneck pace that all those who worked on the development of the 747 were given the nickname "The Incredibles". The massive cost of developing...
This site is all about the Boeing 747 from the early history of the 747-100 to the current 747-8i and the experimental planes.
Boeing 747-400ER,又称为延程型747-400,包括两种机型:客机和货机。它们的大小与现有的747-400相同,但具有更远的航程或更大的业载能力(客运或货运)。2000年11月28日,澳大利亚快达航空公司订购了6架这种大型远程飞机。目前,747-400ER(延程型)飞机已投入生产,预计将于2002年底投入营运。2001年...
美国总统的专机“空军一号”就是由该公司出产的波音707以及波音747-200B特殊型号改装而成。 2016年8月30日,“747之父”乔·萨特(Joe Sutter)去世,享年95岁。萨特参与了诸多标志性的民用飞机项目,包括367-80及其后继机型707,还有737。世界上第一种超大型飞机747,铸就了他的历史地位。他的团队,以及其他数千名参与...
【参考译文】波音商用飞机(BCA)部门生产包括737、747、767、777和787在内的商用飞机,以及大多数机型的货运机和商务喷气机变种。该部门雇佣了近35,000名员工,其中许多人在华盛顿州埃弗雷特和伦顿(西雅图郊外)以及南卡罗来纳州的公司制造设施工作。 (2)波音国防、太空与安全(BDS) Boeing Defense, Space & Security (...
Boeing revamps 747X wing design SUBTITLE: THICKER WING WILL BOOST AERODYNAMIC EFFICIENCY AND STREAMLINE PRODUCTION PROCESSES.BA SmithAviation Week & Space TechnologyBruce A. Smith, Boeing Revamps 747X Wing Design, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Mar. 12, 2001, p. ... BA Smith - 《Aviation...
The E-4 series are specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program.[3] 【参考译文】波音E-4高级空中指挥所(AACP),即当前的“守夜者”飞机,[2]是由美国空军(USAF)运营的一系列战略指挥与控制军用飞机。E-4系列飞机是专为美国国家紧急空中...
until it too was replaced by two 747 jumbo jets (SAM 28000 and 29000) in 1990. SAM 27000 was decommissioned in 2001 by President George W. Bush, flown to San Bernardino International Airport in California, and later driven in pieces to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley ...
FlightAware 航空照片: Boeing 747-400 (四发)(C-FBCA), Final Approach to Narita Intl Airport Rwy34L on 2001/09/05 RJAA