说明:加拿大西捷航空公司(WestJet)波音(Boeing)737-700座位图由中国航空旅游网2013年整理,如有变动请查看各航空公司最新航班舱位图数据。下面数据为舱位类别,例如:头等舱、商务舱、经济舱等,座位数和座位间距等信息,座位间距单位为英寸。 客舱类别 座位数 间距 宽度 经济舱 136 32" 17"...
Screenshot of Westjet Boeing 737-700 in flight. This aircraft has been tested with FSX, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows7 32bit with no known issues or problems at time of release and has been scanned for viruses and malware and is virus and malware free. As with all 3RD party ad...
737 Next Generation (NG)-600/700/800/900变种于1997年推出,采用了更新的CFM56-7涡扇发动机、更大的机翼和升级版玻璃座舱,可容纳108至215名乘客。最新一代的737 MAX,即737-7/8/9/10 MAX,采用了改进的CFM LEAP-1B高旁通比涡扇发动机,可容纳138至204人,于2017年投入使用。Boeing Business Jet版本自737NG以来...
参考译文:737-700、-800和-900ER是之前广泛使用的737NG的三个版本,分别被737 MAX 7、MAX 8和MAX 9所取代(联邦航空管理局型号证书:737-7、-8和-9[50])。737 MAX 8于2017年5月投入使用[2],MAX 9于2018年3月投入使用[147]。最初预计MAX 7和MAX 200(MAX 8的高密度版本)将于2021年开始交付,MAX 10...
Keychain made of: Boeing 737-700 Westjet C-GTWS (white/blue) C-GTWS W/B PlaneTags, Airplane Skin Tags, Airplane Skin Tags, Planetags, In February 1996, WestJet, a small regional airline, began offering low cost flights in Western Canada ...
Boeing has provided the CMO annually for more than 60 years. As the longest-running jet forecast, the CMO is regarded as the most comprehensive analysis of the commercial aviation industry. Learn more about theCommercial Market Outlook. In addition, Boeing will release its Pilot and Technician Ou...