[13] Consultation with Lufthansa over the previous winter had resulted in the seating capacity being increased to 100.[9] 参考译文:汉莎航空公司于1965年2月19日成为波音737飞机的首个订购客户,订单包括21架飞机,总价值6700万美元(相当于2021年的4.46亿美元)。在此之前,波音向汉莎航空公司保证该项目不会被...
U.K. Boeing UK Training & Flight Services , British Airways Flight Training , Jet Masterclass , TUI Group , Virgin Atlantic Airways U.S.A. Avenger Flight Group , Boeing Training & Flight Services , Flight Training International United Arab Emirates Etihad Aviation Training Manufacturer U.S...
Dave Calhoun was a relative outside (came from Boeing's board but spent most of his career outside aviation at GE and Blackstone), supposedly to steady the ship in the aftermath of the 737 MAX 8 fatal incidents. If he ever tried to change the culture at Boeing...