Boeing 737 NGX Checklist App provides you with all Boeing 737NG Series (800,900,BBJ2,BBJ3) checklists and procedures. Procedures will provide you with exactly w…
Boeing 737NG Checklist Boeing 737 NG - Normal Checklist For iFly 737NG Designed by J.P.Frost Modified from Original iFly Procedures For Flight Simulator Use Only For Personal Use
Boeing737NGChecklist 系统标签: boeingchecklistalluminatelifghtextinguishesverify Boeing737NG-NormalChecklistDesignedbyJ.P.FrostForiFly737NGElectricalPowerUp/APURunwayTurnoffLightsOffBatterySwitchOn/GuardedTaxiLightsOffSTANDBYPOWERswitchGuardedEngineIgnitionSwitches(LBOTHR)SelectBusTransferSwitchAutoEngineStartSwitchesOff...
Checklist application for FlyJSim Boeing 747 and 400 This app helps you to follow the standard checklist procedures in Boeing 747 and 400 cockpits. Following procedures are available: POWER UP / SAFETY CHECK PREFLIGHT BEFORE STARTING BEFORE TAXI ...
boeingflightplanningmanualperformanceanual BoeingFlightPlanningAndPerformanceManualIfsearchedfortheebookBoeingflightplanningandperformancemanualboeing-flight-planning-and-performance-manual.pdfinpdfform,inthatcaseyoucomeontothefaithfulsite.WepresentedcompleteversionofthisbookinDjVu,ePub,txt,PDF,docformats.YoucanreadBoeing...
Preflight procedures An important part of any flight are the preflight procedures. During the briefing your instructor will explain the use and function of displays, instruments and controls on the flight deck. You will learn how to maneuver the plane, complete the preflight checklist and how ...
Checklist The "Checklist" is oddly not part of the EFB - Flight Bag. But it is set in the lower EICAS Display. You access the checklist via the button on the right "Display Access Panel" (lower far left).The checklist is very comprehensive, and has three major modes: Amplified...
Boeing 737 NGX Checklist App provides you with all Boeing 737NG Series (800,900,BBJ2,BBJ3) checklists and procedures. Procedures will provide you with exactly what you need to fly the aircraft from cold and dark state to shutdown and secure, it also contains additional hints and information...
Boeing 737 NG NormalChecklist Designed iFly737NG Before Pushback ATIS Dest.Obtain Passenger Signs FlightInstruments RadiosSet Doors Closed LockedEngine Start Switches CONT Flight Deck Windows Closed LockedCabin Notifications Accomplished Parking Brakes Release Landing Engine Start Flaps Extend see PFD Air ...
Checklist application for FlyJSim Boeing 747 and 400 This app helps you to follow the standard checklist procedures in Boeing 747 and 400 cockpits. Following procedures are available: POWER UP / SAFETY CHECK PREFLIGHT BEFORE STARTING BEFORE TAXI (START TAXI) TAXI OUT BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK [TO]...