【参考译文】在2018年和2019年,两架波音737 MAX窄体客机相继坠毁,共造成346人死亡,无人生还。作为回应,全球航空监管机构和航空公司停飞了所有737 MAX飞机,共计387架。[34] 波音公司的声誉、业务和财务评级在飞机停飞后受到重创,因为波音公司的战略、治理以及对利润和成本效率的关注受到了质疑。[35][36][37] 在2022...
Also in the mid-1990s, the company developed the revamped version of the 737, known as the “Next-Generation 737”, or 737NG. It has since become the fastest-selling version of the 737 in history, and on April 20, 2006 sales passed those of the 'Classic 737', with a follow-up ...
参考译文:2012年,波音正在开发737 MAX和准备推出787-10,为了降低风险,波音决定放慢777X的开发速度,但仍计划在2019年推出。2013年5月1日,波音董事会批准从2021年开始销售353座的777-8LX,以取代777-300ER,而大型的406座-9X将先于其推出。 The design work is distributed between Charleston, Huntsville, Long ...
As someone on here told me when I said the 737NG has a new wing compared to the classic (to which they said, it WASN’T a new wing, even though it was) I’m going to say that the A330NEO doesn’t have a new wing, either. Reply TransWorld October 22, 2017 A330NEO does...
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