New Delhi (Dow Jones) - Jet Airways (India) Ltd. has ordered 50 Boeing 737 MAX planes worth up to $5.37 billion at current list prices, joining other Indian carriers expanding capacity to keep up with a potential rise in travel demand.Manila Bulletin...
The first delivery was a MAX 8 in May 2017 to Malindo Air, with which it commenced service on May 22, 2017. 参考译文:波音737 MAX是波音737系列的第四代,由美国波音公司的子公司波音商用飞机公司(BCA)生产。它取代了波音737 Next Generation(NG),并与空中客车A320neo家族竞争。新系列于2011年8月30日...
The 737 MAX will dramatically reduce noise pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and passengers will have access to in-flight broadband internet service for the first time in India during their travel, Singh added. Boeing said SpiceJet has also signed up for its flight simulator and maintenance ...
Lion Air has ordered 222 Boeing 737 Max 8, 9 and 10 valued at 22 billion U.S. dollars with delivery by 2035, with 11 of them having arrived in the country, according to the airline. The aircraft of the Ethiopian Airline crashed minutes after taking off, the second air tragedy of the ...
美国政府表示,波音公司将对因两起 737 Max 客机致命坠机事故引发的刑事欺诈指控认罪。认罪协议需获得美国联邦法官的批准才会生效,该协议还要求波音公司额外支付 2.436 亿美元的罚款,以及未来三年投资至少 4.55 亿美元加强安全和合规程序。美国司法部将任命第三方监督员监督波音的合规,并且需要每年向法院公布合规进展报告...
Boeing announced its first big order at a major air show in Dubai on Tuesday, saying India's new carrier Akasa Air had ordered 72 of its 737 MAX aircraft. The world's dominant aerospace companies are seeking new business at the industry's first major show since the Covid pandemic started...
This photo taken on April 4, 2024 shows an aircraft of Alaska Airlines at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, the United States. Boeing has paid Alaska Airlines 160 million U.S. dollars in compensation in the first quarter for the grounding of the 737 Max 9, according to ...
U.S. aerospace leader Boeing Company announced Tuesday that it has struck a deal with Ukraine's new airline, SkyUp, to sell five 737 MAX aircrafts to help grow its Boeing fleet.The deal, valued at 624 million U.S. dollars at list prices, includes two 737 MAX 8 and three 737 MAX 10...
波音公司(Boeing)在当地时间2018年3月13日发布的新闻稿指出,第1万架的波音737型客机(N8717M),是拨交给美国西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)的波音737 MAX 8。[8] 乌克兰国际航空的一架737-300。图片作者: Konstantin von Wedelstaedt - Gallery page
China suspends Boeing 737 MAX 8 certification2019-03-26 21:16:50 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: ChinaBoeing737MAX8certificationShanghai Live上海国际频道全部评论 请先登录后发表评论 暂无评论,快来发表你的评论吧 推荐视频 04:06 新国标发布 你的“小电驴”有大变化 看呀STV2025/01/16 00:48 商务部:...