参考译文:截至2023年10月,波音737 MAX的五家最大运营商分别是西南航空(207架)、美国联合航空(145架)、瑞安航空控股(126架)、阿拉斯加航空(59架)和美国航空(53架)。[212] 5.1 订单和交付数量 | Orders and deliveries Main article: List of Boeing 737 MAX orders and deliveries(主条目:波音737 MAX订单和...
The software update included information about MCAS improvements that are key to preventing uncontrollable stall allegedly linked to the air crash of Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610 (JT610), which killed all the 189 people aboard a 737 MAX jet last October. Boeing said the improved software has b...
The MCAS was a new automated feature introduced on the Boeing 737 MAX. It automatically adjusts the aircraft by bringing its nose down when it detects that the aircraft is in imminent danger of entering an aerodynamic stall, based on data collected from the airspeed, altitude and angle of att...
The MCAS system works in conjunction with the flight control computer of the 737 aircraft, which is kept running on each flight. Like the 737NG, the 737MAX has a dual-capacity flight control computer and two angle-of-attack sensors. On the first leg of the day or after a complete power...
In the 737 MAX case, the company pointed to the pilots’ alleged inability to control the planes under stall conditions (Economy 2019). Following the Ethiopian Airlines crash, Boeing acknowledged for the first time that MCAS played a primary role in the crashes, while continuing to highlight ...
Although there are two AOA sensors on the 737 MAX, MCAS was only connected to one of them. “It’s a lack of redundancy that appears to me to be unacceptable in airplane design,” said aviation journalist Christine Negroni, author of the book “The Crash Detectives.” Boeing responds In ...
行业分析师曾预计这一机型将在未来几个月在中国复飞。但分析人士表示,该机型的回归可能会与737-800新世代坠机事件的调查交织在一起,涉事机型为737 Max的前身,中国官员在调查事故时可能会犹豫是否让737 Max复飞。 The Max crashes were directly tied to flight-control software known as MCAS, which the Max is...
$1 million to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges that they misled investors by saying one month after the Lion Air crash the 737 Max was “as safe as any airplane that has ever flown the skies” even though the company had determined MCAS posed a safety risk in need of ...
Initially, pilots worldwide weren’t told about the system, which Boeing said was needed because the Max had bigger, more powerful engines that were placed further forward on the wings than older 737s and tended to push the nose up. In both crashes, MCAS repeatedly pointed the nose down,...
It added that it has flown the 737 Max with an updated flight control system, the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), for more than 360 hours on 207 flights. Investigators believed a flaw in the MCAS software was a contributory factor to the crash of the Ethiopian Airlines ...