The Boeing Business Jet’s full name is the BBJ 737-700 IGW. IGW stands for “Increased Gross Weight,” much of which is due to its massive cabin and increased fuel capacity. The cabin has more square footage than some offices – 807 square feet – and measurements well beyond any other...
参考译文:波音737原型及其衍生型,后来被称为波音737原型,最初与SE 210卡拉维尔和BAC-111竞争,因为它们更早进入服役,后来主要与麦道DC-9以及其MD-80衍生型竞争,三款欧洲短途单通道飞机逐渐退出竞争。70年代初销售额较低,在1969年达到高峰时,共交付114架737飞机,而到了1972年,只有22架737飞机被交付,而还有19架...
[29] To preserve fuel and payload capacity, its maximum takeoff weight is 7,000 lb (3,200 kg) heavier.[29] 参考译文:8英寸(20厘米)高的前起落架支柱保持了与之前737发动机舱相同的17英寸(43厘米)离地间隙。[29]新的支柱和发动机舱为更重的发动机增加了体积,主起落架和支撑结构已经加固,机身表皮在...
During the 150-hour block test, which included 20 hours of operation at temperatures above maximum redline, the CFM56-7 exhibited minimal deterioration in both its exhaust gas temperature (EGT) and specific fuel consumption (SFC) margins. In fact, the engine has more than 50( C additional EGT...
Trip Speed For 1000NM (min):146 Max Certified Altitude: Max Certified Altitude:41,000 Fuel Cost: Cost Per Gallon:$5.47 Private Jet Fuel Consumption: Fuel Consumption, US Gallons Per Hour:861 Fuel Burn: 600nm (Per Hour Based On 15% APU/T/TO/T):7,775...
Its larger fuselage cross-section allowed six-abreast economy seating, retained in the later 720, 727, 737, and 757 models.参考译文:波音707是美国的一架长程窄体客机,也是由波音商业飞机公司开发和生产的第一架喷气式客机。它是由1954年首次飞行的波音367-80原型发展而来,最初的707-120于1957年12月20...