@Wallaby the 737 maxes don't have schimitar winglets and have bigger engines and bigger landing gear 4.5 years ago 2,085 Starexcelsior @Wallaby It looks more like a MAX 7 4.5 years ago 101k Wallaby Bruh this be a MAX 8 (or did I get wooooshed) 4.5 years ago 48.9k Bi...
Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700 Fleet Takes Wing with Sleek New Look - Aviation Partners Boeing to Provide 169 Blended Winglets Shipsets.
Please log in or register to post a comment. Leon Kay6 年以前 Interesting to observe the Boeing 737 with its split winglets. Report roland pfeifer6 年以前 What a background, Nice shot. ReportFlightAware为航空业的各个领域提供准确的实时、历史和预测性飞行洞察。 产品与服务 AeroAPI ...
An optional upgrade with winglets became available for the Classic and NG series. 参考译文:经典和NG系列可选择升级小翼。 The 737-300 can be retrofitted with Aviation Partners Boeing winglets. The 737-300 retrofitted with winglets is designated the -300SP (Special Performance).参考译文:737-300可以...
The Boeing 737 Max family of aircraft. Note the new winglets or wing fins. Weight is saved by a less robust structure required for two smaller fins. In 1964 the concept of a cheaper twin-engined jet transport was floated by Boeing. Building on the designs of the Boeing 707 and Boeing 72...
AircraftDesigned to upgrade the old classic 737, the next generation was introduced by the late 90s including 3 versions that now are being upgraded ...
The Boeing 737 Max family of aircraft. Note the new winglets or wing fins. Weight is saved by a less robust structure required for two smaller fins.In 1964 the concept of a cheaper twin-engined jet transport was floated by Boeing. Building on the designs of the Boeing 707 and Boeing 727...
The Boeing 737 Max family of aircraft. Note the new winglets or wing fins. Weight is saved by a less robust structure required for two smaller fins.In 1964 the concept of a cheaper twin-engined jet transport was floated by Boeing. Building on the designs of the Boeing 707 and Boeing 727...
参考译文:737-700、-800和-900ER是之前广泛使用的737NG的三个版本,分别被737 MAX 7、MAX 8和MAX 9所取代(联邦航空管理局型号证书:737-7、-8和-9[50])。737 MAX 8于2017年5月投入使用[2],MAX 9于2018年3月投入使用[147]。最初预计MAX 7和MAX 200(MAX 8的高密度版本)将于2021年开始交付,MAX 10...