男子體態表 Male Body Types Chart 贾斯汀贾 上海奉贤6 人赞同了该文章 想定義一下自己身形的變化, 所以看到這個圖表, (內文的十種定義) 順便就翻譯了一下: 國外對體態的定義有很多詞彙, 但中文對於身材的形容詞真的很少, 大部份人不是瘦就是胖就是壯, 新聞上的"壯男"常多指肉壯或胖子或肥子; 新聞上...
The body mass index, occasionally called the Quetelet index, is a value taken from a person’s height and weight. It is also determined via a BMI chart table and is an attempt to quantify the level of tissue mass (comprised of bone, fat, and muscle) in a person. The result is used...
For instance, a child assigned male at birth in the 85th percentile has a BMI that is higher than 85% of males his age. Here's the BMI breakdown for young people aged 2-19: Less than 5th percentile: Underweight 5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile: Healthy weight 85th ...
Simply Enter Your Height & Your Weight to Find Out What Your Body Mass Index is. BMI Calculator UK also Offers Weight Loss & Weight Gain Tips.
Select a body fat calculator Or try out a few. (lb/inch)(kg/cm) MaleFemale Age: Weight: Fat Caliper Tape Measure Jackson/Pollock 7 Caliper Method (mm) Chest Abdominal Thigh Tricep Subscapular Suprailiac Midaxillary Jackson/Pollock 3 Caliper Method ...
Avg. BMI of American male = 26.6. Avg. BMI of American female = 26.5. Do you know yours? Use our body mass index calculator to see if you're above or below the US average!! We also offer advice & tips on weight loss, weight gain & all round healthy livin
Body Mass Index chartsare useful for visualizing the ranges associated with each BMI category. You can use them to easily locate your height and weight to determine your BMI score and the associated BMI category you fit within. BMI Chart for Adults (Men & Women) ...
Do you know what your optimum body weight should be for someone your height, frame size, and gender? Use this precise body weight calculator to determine your ideal weight. Biological Sex Male Female Frame Size Use the chartbelow(if you have a tape measure handy). ...
Normal Weight 18.5 – 24.9 Overweight 25 – 29.9 Obesity (Class 1) 30 – 34.9 Obesity (Class 2) 35 – 39.9 Extreme Obesity (Class 3) 40+ The following body mass index chart allows you to manually get your BMI score and includes a classification of the BMI category you reside within....
Body fat percentage chart There are established guidelines for optimal body fat percentage for your age and sex: Age20-2930-3940-4950-5960+ Female16-24%17-25%19-28%22-31%22-33% Male7-17%12-21%14-23%16-24%17-25% If your numbers are higher than these, you are considered overweight...