- "body wash" 和 "shower gel" 在成分和功效上没有明显的区别,通常都含有清洁和滋润皮肤的成分。唯一的区别在于品牌和产品系列的差异,一些产品可能会加入不同的成分、香味或附加的保湿功效。例句:- This body wash is enriched with natural oils to moisturize the skin. (这款沐浴露富含天然油...
好奇怪的表达方式。一般。shampoo都是洗发水,浴液应该是shower gel,或者soap. 来自Android客户端13楼2014-04-10 15:45 回复 梁臻颐 Master 9 是不是指那种既可洗头又可洗澡的? 来自Android客户端14楼2014-04-10 15:47 收起回复 kingtiger00she Student 3 谢谢 来自Android客户端15楼2014-04-10 15:48 ...
body wash ; shower gel ; shower cream 这三种称呼其实都是沐浴用品,通俗的来说都是洗澡用的。微小区别在于:body wash是指普通的沐浴露,也就是看上去透明清亮的那种 shower gel就是看上去类似脂状凝胶的感觉 shower cream是乳液状,介于以上两者之间的那种粘稠度,一般适合干性肌肤。笼统来说几个表...
1. Body wash:通常含有较多的表面活性剂和保湿成分,用于清洁肌肤并留下滋润感。2. Shower gel:多含有天然植物提取物和芳香成分,以清爽的质地达到清洁效果。3. Shower cream:质地较为稠密,除了清洁成分外,还含有丰富的保湿和护肤成分,如乳木果油、甘油等,旨在给皮肤提供深层滋养和保护。质地与使...
There are so many different types of body wash products out there, with shower gels, creams and bars being amongst the most popular. But are they actually any different from each other? Well, yes! Shower creams, gels and bars have numerous differences and bring their own benefits to the ...
Produces a thick lather, which is ideal if you want to turn your shower into a relaxing, soapy paradise Gently scented, which is perfect for picky noses. Cons People complain that this body wash doesn’t go quite as far as some other formulations, which means you might have to buy more...
¥26.80 成交18瓶 跨境body wash沐浴露丝滑滋润泡沫丰富深层清洁留香shower gel 2L 蕙歆化妆品(广州)有限公司 4年 回头率: 12.5% 广东 广州市白云区 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页 共8页到 页 body wash沐浴露价格信息不够给力?没有找到优质body wash沐浴露批发/采购信息? 马上发布询价单 阿里...
例句:When you take a shower, you use the body wash.你洗澡的时候要用沐浴露。03.shower gel 沐浴露 讲解:这个表达和中文更对应,因为洗澡,沐浴就是 shower, 后面这个 gel,本身就是指各种胶状物,比如发胶就是 hair gel,所以沐浴露也可以说 shower gel.例句:When travelling, there's no need to ...
Body Wash - Shop for Body Wash & Shower Gel @ low price from Myntra. Choose from a wide range of the best Body Wash & Shower Gels from top personal care brands.
1. Body wash是一种沐浴露,通常呈现透明或半透明的液体状,适合各种肤质使用。2. Shower gel是一种凝胶状的沐浴产品,它的质地较为浓稠,有时会带有一些细微的磨砂颗粒,适合正常至油性肌肤。3. Shower cream的质地介于沐浴露和浴油之间,较为粘稠,通常适合干性或敏感性肌肤,因为它能提供更多的...