1. Medical Terminology: Medical terminology is a language used to precisely describe the human body, including its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and procedures performed upon it. For example, ‘cardio’ refers to the heart, and ‘neuro’ refers to the nervous system. ...
Ch 2. Suffixes, Prefixes & Roots in Medical... Ch 3. Terms for Direction, Planes & Regions... Ch 4. Pathology Overview & Vocabulary Ch 5. Vocabulary for Genetics, Cells &... Ch 6. Terminology for the Lymphatic & Immune... Ch 7. Medical Terms for the Skeletal... Ch 8. Terminolog...
stimulate muscles and glands lymphatic lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen return tissue fluid to the blood, carry certain absorbed food molecules, defend the body against infection Anatomical Terminology Anatomical Position The anatomical position is used when describing the positions and relati...
• peri/meter• therm/o/meter• hyper/glyc/emia• hypo/glyc/emia Word formation in Medical Terminology• Root• Prefix• Suffix• Combining vowel Basic Medical Word Formation• hyper/glyc/emiaPrefix + Root + Suffix• hyper/glyc/emia• higher blood sugar 高血糖• hypo/glyc/...