Humans are, of course,animals—more particularly, members of the order Primates in the subphylumVertebrataof the phylum Chordata. Like allchordates, the humananimalhas a bilaterally symmetrical body that is characterized at some point during its development by a dorsal supporting rod (thenotochord),...
Lasers—another important, futuristic element of Fantastic Voyage—and fiber optics are also often used today to make surgery less invasive and more precise. Although humans may not be able to shrink themselves to traverse the body’s systems, they are now, using small-scale technology, able to...
The respiratory system, along with the cardiovascular system, are human body systems vital for life. The lungs are filled with tiny clusters of balloon-like structures called alveoli, which trap both oxygen and carbon dioxide. When humans breathe air, they inhale oxygen, which is collected by ...
The body's largest muscle by mass is the gluteus maximus, but the two latissimus dorsi are the largest in terms of surface area. Related: Why is it harder for some people to build muscle than others? Reproductive: The reproductive system allows humans to produce offspring. The male ...
Muscular Structures: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle Functions: Involuntary muscles are responsible for activities such as breathing and digesting food; Voluntary muscles are under your control Interactions: All systems b/c all of your organs are made of muscle ...
leonardo's "organs of a woman" human nervous system Major Systems and Organs This is a brief survey of the major systems and organs of the body. Integumentary System Integument = skin Only one organ in this system –but it’s the largest organ of the body ...
美国加州五年级科学读本 Systems of the Human Body
-Nutrition -Digestion -Circulation and Blood -Immunity -Respiration -Senses -Urinary System -Nervous System - Skeletal and Muscular Systems - Endocrine and Reproductive Systems It closes with a brief discussion of ecology and environmental issues that affect the way humans live and interact with...
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
The structure of the human body can be viewed in several levels, each slightly more zoomed out than the last. They include: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism. Let’s break them down. Cells: Your body is made up of trillions of cells—with more than two hundred distinct ...