Anything that contains the spirit is called a soul. A souls could also refer to this body that we are in now, or it could refer to another type of body that can contain our spirit in heaven. 任何含灵的东西都被称为魂。魂也可以指我们现在所处的身体,或者指另一种可以在天堂容纳我们的灵魂...
Body, soul and spirit: Karl Barth’s theological framework for understanding human ontology. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 10 (3), 328–345.Cortez, Marc. "Body, Soul, and (Holy) Spirit: Karl Barth's Theological Framework for Understanding Human Ontology." International Journal of...
华德福教育把人的发展分为7年一个阶段,并且认为人有身、心及灵(body 、soul、spirit)三个组成部分。 华德福教育的创办者鲁道夫·斯坦纳认为人的意识是阶段性的发展,7年为一个阶段: 主要发展body 的阶段是 0-21岁: 分别是:0—7岁、7—14岁、14岁—21岁; 0~7岁: 主要用来发展物质身体。 7岁时情感体开始...
body 主要指身体,躯干。heart 主要指心脏 mind 主要指思想 思维 想法 soul and spirit 主要指 灵魂
What’s the difference between the mind, body, spirit, soul and the self? In an article, you say that we should question who we are and that we will discover that we are not our minds, but that we are nothing and everything at the same time. But what about the soul? Is the soul...
In spite of the erroneous teaching of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and of other false sects that “no man has a soul,” the Bible states emphatically that man was created a trinity of spirit, soul, and body even as the eternal God is Himself a trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The...
As you can see in this study, every part of Adam’s being was affected by death when he sinned. And every part of our being, spirit, soul, and body, is likewise affected by sin and death. Yet, when we are saved by Jesus Christ, it is possible for Paul’s prayer to be answered...
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Tools to help people take next steps and create habits in their pursuit of wholeness in spirit, soul, and body to the end that they might live wise and meaningful lives
soul 灵魂,死了以后从body里面往外飘的那21克东西;spirit 精神,通常永垂不朽。举例子的话,我会说...