这是一款Skyrim SE CBBE,带有Bodyslide滑块,ReflexShooter的Sleek Steel Replacer mod。所有功劳归功于他们,我只是将他们的CBBE替换装甲改装成Skyrim SE并添加了Bodyslide支持。这将取代女性运动员和NPC的默认钢盔甲与pauldrons。 我已经包含了一套基于CBBE弯曲装备预设的套装,但是如果你想使用不同的预设,你需要在BodySli...
Skyrim: Sovereign's Slayer Armor for UNP by Yurica SSE original mod: Sovereign's Slayer Armor HDT SMP SE (only skirt Physics) === This mod is made from scratch from the file uploaded by THBossGamer and has no relation with the one previously published here. What are the difference...
+Enchantment Effect Replacer 1.0SE +Soul Cairn HD +Rapid Rocks +Less Ugly Tundragrass +Lanterns of Skyrim SE +SSE Fixes +Low Resolution Particles +Pebbles and Underwater Grass Remover +Rally's Candle Flames HQ +Hidden location info and more VR +XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE +Rigmor of Cyrodiil +C...