PpoA Localizes in Lipid Bodies in Hülle Cells and Metulae— The cellular localization of the PpoA protein was determined by constructing a ppoA::green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion. Microscopic observations revealed GFP localization only to metulae (Fig. 4B), Hülle cells (Fig. 4C), and...
Whole Body Protein Synthesis and Energy Expenditure in Very Low Birth Weight Infants C. CATZEFLIS, Y. SCHUTZ, J.-L. MICHELI, C. WELSCH, M. J. ARNAUD, AND E. JEQUIER Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lausanne, Luusanne [C.C., Y.S.,E.J.];Service of ...
during administration of (1- 13C] Ieucine for calculating w hole-body protein turnover, one ass umes that the ratio of oxidation of leucine (EL) to total body protein oxidation (EN) is equal to the ratio of dietary intake of leucine (IL) to dietary intake of protein (IN) (18, 19...
The sex that an individual is assigned at birth also seems to play a role in BMR. For example, one BMR study identified a significant association between lean body mass, and the intake of both protein and dietary fat in cis women, but not in cis men. This association between BMR and ge...
we perform a network-level comparison of the LBD and AD brain proteomes. Our results reveal protein co-expression alterations throughout a diverse range of pathophysiological systems in the LBD brain, including presynaptic signatures distinct from those observed in the AD proteomic network. We also ...
However, so far there is no nanobody that would not interact with another target protein, so this was the only control compound that came into question. Moreover, a well-characterized lung adenocarcinoma cell line which is known to grow particularly angiogenesis-dependent in the brain was used ...
Isolation width of 3.0Da was used. Protein identification and label-free quantitation MS raw files were submitted to MaxQuant software version [75] for protein identification. Parameters were set as follows: protein N-acetylation, methionine oxidation and pyrogluatamte conversion of Glu and...
To examine the associations of role (localized prostate cancer (PCa) patient vs. their intimate partner), area deprivation index (ADI—higher scores indicating higher neighborhood deprivation levels), and race (Black/African American (AA) vs. White) with health behaviors and body mass index (BMI...
Alphabody displayed on pIII of the phagemid was confirmed by western blot analysis using anti-pIII (MoBiTec GmbH) and amounted to about 10% of total pIII protein. Biopanning procedure. A biopanning campaign was set up using a mixture of equal amounts of the three libraries scLib_AC11, sc...
This high bioavailability is due to their size and protein structure which drive specific interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), preventing mAbs from lysosomal degradation and favoring their release in extracellular medium41,42. MAbs pharmacokinetics remain complex and subject to inter-...