Further, 3-methylbutanoic acid (cheesy), octanoic acid (musty, coriander-like, fatty), and 4-ethyloctanoic acid (goat-like) had higher OD factors in the BO samples than in the room samples (OD 1 to OD 384). All of these carboxylic acids were detected with higher OD factors in the ...
Well, I at least did the first thing — once a day on the advice years ago of a dentist who was absolutely convinced that too much brushing was abusive to your gums. And my present-day “rescue” dentist said I actually had good oral health. But my cavity was way in the back and ...
images. Furthermore, the signal-to-background ratio (SBR) of these 3D images was high enough for the computational detection of labeled cells. These results highlight the perspective of systematic quantification and analysis of biological information from whole-organ and whole-body 3D staining and ...
Regeneration, a widespread phenomenon in nature, refers to the precise process of reconstructing the injured or lost parts of an organism or its organs [1]. In terms of regenerative capabilities, invertebrates commonly surpass vertebrates [2]. Specially, certain invertebrates like sea cucumbers and s...
malayi microfilaria fixed during chemically induced exsheathment in vitro (71,250×), chitinase labeled with 20 nm colloidal gold was observed to localize within vesicle-like structures. Indicated are: C, cuticle; IB, inner body; M, mitochondria; MF, microfilaria; S, sheath; V, vesicle. ...
However, these lectins do not display a high level of specificity for M cells since also the squamous cells of the tonsillar crypts get labeled [64,65]. When palatine tonsils are subjected to anti-vimentin labeling, e.g. by applying the vimentin antibodies V9 and Vim3B4, vimentin positiv...
The guanine-rich RNA sequence binding factor 1 (GRSF1) is an RNA-binding protein of the heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H/F (hnRNP H/F) family that binds to guanine-rich RNA sequences forming G-quadruplex structures. In mice and humans there are s
Macroautophagy is an evolutionarily conserved cellular maintenance program, meant to protect the brain from premature aging and neurodegeneration. How neuronal autophagy, usually loosing efficacy with age, intersects with neuronal processes mediating bra
Polymeric elastomers are extensively employed to fabricate implantable medical devices. However, implantation of the elastomers can induce a strong immune rejection known as the foreign body response (FBR), diminishing their efficacy. Herein, we present
the farm-animal comprise a farm-animal that is currently used for the collection of antibodies. Preferably, the farm-animal is an animal that can be milked. Preferably, the farm-animal is cow, a goat, a sheep, a camel, a lama and/or a rabbit. With a farm animal is meant any non-...