Missing body parts, amputated limbs, and missing organs were frequently discussed or shown in Lost. The following list shows when characters have mentioned, or were shown with missing body parts. Kate was turned in by Ray Mullen who has a prosthetic arm.
The ear is also mentioned in the bible about hearing spiritually. Is there something that you need to hear? What is your inner voice saying to you? Jesus said “he who has ears to hear, let them hear” For this, he was associated with hearing god in a spiritual way. Fingers or ...
The Giants/Nephilim mentioned in the Bible are mutants and have no salvation--see FAQ Tab & Apologetics Tab & Creation Tab. 22. Anti-parasite benzimidazole drugs show promise for treating cancer, but remain SUPPRESSED by the FDA. -- Multiple peer-reviewed papers suggest that anti-parasite ...
But long after you've finished your meal, your body carries on dutifully breaking down the food, assimilating the nutrients and distributing them to all the different body parts. So too on the mental and spiritual planes, the processes of "digestion" and "assimilation" continue as the spiritual...
Certainly, internet dating is enabled in Christianity. Having said that, check all of our greatest Christian internet dating sites. We think it’s important to check this out from all aspects. Biblically, dating normally permitted. This, however, contains various limitations. As mentioned formerly,...
An individual grasshopper is a harmless and fascinating creature. However, swarms of locusts are rather dangerous and cause damage to crops. In fact, several instances of locust plagues have been mentioned in the record of ancient history.
Chapter 4 - Unity in the Body. I, then, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility
These contrasting facets of our being are repeatedly mentioned in Scripture: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.The spiritindeed is willing, butthe fleshis weak. Matthew 26:41(NKJV) I say then: Walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (17) For...
MPOX does not exist as anything more than a marketing construct to boost stocks create fear and fuck the public. What kind of sick society hacks off part of natural body function? The Unintact States of America (USA) allows and celebrates this torture th
We’ve really only begun to scratch the surface, even after two long years. By way of wrapping things up, I have a few things I want to say about BOOK, about my experience putting it together, and then about the bible itself. First, and I probably should have mentioned this earlier,...