Upon first glance, Chair Pose, known as Utkatasana in Sanskrit, seems deceptively straightforward. Maybe you’ve even asked yourself, “How complicated can a mini squat with raised armsreallybe?” Don’t be fooled; This yoga pose is a full body challenge. When done correctly, it requires ...
Not elsewhere in Germanic, and the word has died out in German (replaced by Leib, originally "life," and Körper, from Latin), "but in English body remains as a great and important word" [OED]. The extension to "a person, a human being" is by c. 1300. The meaning "main part"...
Over the years, there have developed several different types of categorizing the human body. In Ayurvedic medicine that evolved from five thousand-year-old Sanskrit teachings, body types and their associated personalities were defined as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If we go back to our high school/...
There are many variations on these concepts in the Sanskrit source texts. In earlier texts there are various systems of chakras and nadis, with varying connections between them. Various traditional sources list 5, 6, 7, or 8 chakras. Over time, one system of 6 or 7 chakras along the body...
The trust oversees not only the Tirumala temple in Andhra Pradesh, butHindu temples all over the world.Besides this, it is involved in numberless charitable works and in the propagation and preservation of Hindu and Sanskrit classics. Please note that enormous amounts of gold, silver, and other...
The word Hindu comes from the Sanskrit name for the river Indus. Hindu was not originally a religious term but was used by Persians and Greeks in the first millennium B.C.E. as a name for the people east of the Indus River. Muslims later borrowed the term Hindu to designate the non-...
Hatha Yoga describes Shatkarmas (six processes) in details for Body purification and mind purification. Various asanas (Yoga Positions), six shatkarmas, mudras & bandhas (psychic knots or psycho-physiological energy release techniques) and Pranayama are described in old ancient sanskrit texts of ...
The Sanskrit word chakra or cakra has multiple meanings. It is most commonly used to denote a wheel such as that of a carriage, a potter, any sharp, disc shaped weapon such as that of Vishnu (chakradhara), a circle or a ring, the shape of the sun and the moon, realm of an empero...
Avani is a name that means "earth" in Sanskrit, making it a good choice for parents who like nature-inspired names. Most often used for girls, it is a moniker that exudes a sense of warmth while still remaining classic, since it's somewhat similar to more common names like Ava and Ave...
The classic ending posture in most yoga class is called the corpse pose (Savasanain Sanskrit). As the name implies, it is a relaxed position on your back. This important final resting pose should not be missed (though some students use this time to leave the class). It is an opportunity...