加上过渡之后的版本:Students who write academic essays need to provide effective transitions. It is the use of these transitions that allow writers to connect the main ideas that are present in an essay. For example, by using conjunctive adverbs and other introductory elements, a writer can easi...
How to write a basic paragraph 07:07 How to use sequencers in English: FIRST, THEN, NEXT, AFTER THAT, FINALLY 08:31 How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question 14:39 How to Write a Persuasive Essay 07:41 Figurative Language 06:15 My TOP 5 Writing Tips (for all lev...
4. You are going to write a body paragraph for an essay entitled "The impact of Technology on Learning in Higher Education".1) Form a thesis statement for the essay first. For example, your thesis statement can be "Although technology greatly facilitates students' learning in higher education...
Body Paragraph作为essay里篇幅最多的部分,我们在写作时的大部分精力都会放在正文上面,那么小E就来就来分享一下如何分步骤去写正文的段落。 正文通常由几个段落构成,不过段落的数量、长度和顺序取决于我们要写…
100 -- 4:46 App Synthesis Essay- Using Sources 65 -- 3:53 App Use of Evidence- Illustrating 72 27 10:52 App Unit 5 - Education and style 121 -- 8:29 App Unit 3 - The Body Paragraph 62 -- 7:09 App Types of phrases - The Nature of Writing .com 41 -- 5:04 App Un...
那么中间这三段呢就叫Body paragraph 最后一段conclusion,你的总结段落。 避写英文essay时候,他对结构的要求,是要求的非常死板的!并且除了这个基本结构之外,它每一个段落当中也有细分的结构。这个我会在接下来继续讲,大结构也好,还是段落的结构也好,都是有非常严格的要求的。所以说这个结构的掌握是非常重要的,当你掌...
一般来说,essay的body paragraph(正文段)写作结构如下: Topic Sentence:主题句(一句话阐明本段的论点) Assertion statements:主张句(几句话阐述你的论点) eXample(s):举例(列举一些事实) Explanation:解释(说明以上事实为什么能支撑你的论点) Significance:意义(总结说明为什么本段论点能论证全文的主题) 也可以更简单地...
首段是Introduction,尾段是Conclusion,中间所有段是Body paragraph,Body的多少根据内容长度可以增减,所以我们就从Introduction开始依次说起 Introduction 无论什么写作,读者都需要一个铺垫来了解背景,所以introduction的前几句话就是Background,如果...
Body Paragraph作为essay里篇幅最多的部分,我们在写作时的大部分精力都会放在正文上面,那么小E就来就来分享一下如何分步骤去写正文的段落。 正文通常由几个段落构成,不过段落的数量、长度和顺序取决于我们要写的内容。 但不管有几段、多长、如何排序,每个段落都必须做到: ...