back,dorsum- the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned" small- the slender part of the back behind,buns,buttocks,hind end,hindquarters,keister,nates,posterior,prat,derriere,fanny,rear end,tooshie,tush,fundament,seat...
Although it is not possible to estimate mass from two-dimensional images, we can use the two-dimensional area of the neck as a proxy for mass assuming that the lateral growth to the body anterior–posterior axis is proportional to the area (Mitchell 2021). The body torso area would appear...
Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...
One of two masses of gray matter forming elevations on the lateral portion of the posterior aspect of the thalamus. Each is the termination of afferent fibers from the retina, which it receives through the optic nerves and tracts. SEE: lateral geniculate body Nissl body Nissl body Nissl body ...
Posterior View Of Internal Organs October 8, 2024 Spinal Cord Anatomy October 6, 2024 Human Skull Boneshuman Skull Model October 5, 2024 Free Printable Family Tree Worksheet October 3, 2024 Functions Of Bones October 2, 2024 Match To The Tissues Their Functions February 27, 2025 Body...
The sacrospinous ligament has as its anterior component the coccygeus muscle; that is, muscle and ligament are the anterior and posterior aspects of the same structure (Gray's anatomy 2005). The sciatic foramina There are two sciatic foramina, the greater and the lesser on each side. The ...
Average posterior probability BMI: Body mass index BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion CI: Confidence Intervals CHARLS: China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study GBTM: Group-based trajectory modeling IRB: Institutional Review Board MMSE: Mini-mental state examination OR: Odds ratio TICS...
CASIMIR muscle model (Siefert et al., 2006) and detailed lumbar spine model (Siefert, 2013). The model setup of the lumbar spine, Fig. 10.2, is based on CT scans of the vertebrae (see Mischke, 2012). The material properties of nucleus, annulus, and ligaments of the lumbar spine are ...
Neck: Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, scalenes, platysma Trunk: Pectoral, intercostal, anterior abdominal, lateral abdominal, posterior trunk muscles Upper limb: Shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand muscles Lower limb: Gluteal, hip, thigh, leg, and foot musclesContents...
This entity produces a radiologic appearance of a mass lesion involving pleura and lung, often in the inferior lobes in the posterior basal lateral vertebral area, and is sometimes associated with asbestos-induced pleural disease with underlying lung scarring.57,211 Common primary carcinomas Squamous...