BMI = weight [lb] / height² [in²]× 703 Or simply use the calculator above and it will do the work for you! Body Mass Index CategoriesOnce you calculate your BMI, you can then see where this falls on a body mass index chart such as the one below. ...
Weight: Pounds Result: Understanding BMI Ranges Underweight <18.5 Normal weight 18.5–24.9 Overweight 25–29.9 Obesity BMI of 30 or greater Body Mass Index, BMI, is a tool that uses your height to weight ratio to estimate a healthy weight range. BMI can be used a screening tool to assess...
Did you know Ireland is set to have the 2nd highest level (37%) of obese women in Europe by 2025? Irish men currently have the highest BMI rate in Europe? Do you know what your body mass index is? Calculate it here and find out if your within the 'health
It is very easy to determine your body mass index (BMI) using a BMI calculator. Just enter your height and weight into our BMI calculator. The calculator will use the nationally accepted formula to show you your results and what your results mean. This is a quick and easy method to ...
Avg. BMI of American male = 26.6. Avg. BMI of American female = 26.5. Do you know yours? Use our body mass index calculator to see if you're above or below the US average!! We also offer advice & tips on weight loss, weight gain & all round healthy livin
BMI = body mass index TDEE = total daily energy expenditure body fat percentage = percent weight = kilograms height = centimeters age = yearsInfant Growth Charts - Baby Percentiles Overtime Pay Rate Calculator Salary Hourly Pay Converter - Jobs Percent Off - Sale Discount Calculator Pay Raise Inc...
Free Body Mass Index Calculator helps you to compute BMI based on height, weight and gender. Easy-to-understand charts.
Body Mass Index (BMI)Your body mass index is based upon your height and weight. A BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight and greater then 30, considered obese.BMI Calculator Height: ft. in. Weight: pounds BMI: Comments:Formula: BMI= ((w x 705) ÷ h)÷ h...
Simply Enter Your Height & Your Weight to Find Out What Your Body Mass Index is. BMI Calculator UK also Offers Weight Loss & Weight Gain Tips.
For women: Lean body mass = (0.29569 × W) + (0.41813 × H) − 43.2933 It should be noted that this will be quite inaccurate but may work well as a rule of thumb or best guess in the first instance. For an easier version of this, you can always choose an online calculator for...