你的BMI是多少呢?BMI的全称是Body Mass Index中文翻译为体质指数,计算方法是=体重(千克)÷身高(米)²,是最简单的评价胖不胖的方法!注意⚠️只有这一个公式!!!前几天一个朋友用软件算的BMI完全不对每个国家的BMI标准范围是不一样的,中国的标准范围是在18.5-23.9之间超重:BMI指数在24-28之间...
BMI(Body Mass Index)即身体质量指数,又称“体质指数”,是与体内脂肪总量密切相关的指标,主要反映全身性超重和肥胖。由于BMI计算的是身体脂肪的比例,所以在测量身体因超重而面临心脏病、高血压等风险上,比单纯的以体重来认定,更具准确性。特别要强调的是,不是每个人都适用BMI 的,如果你属于有以下的情况,...
% of ideal body weight for heightBody mass indexNutritional status >120>30Obese 110–12025–29.9Overweight 90–10920–24.9Normal <90<20Underweight In children, BMI is age-dependent. BMI increases rapidly in the first year of life and then more slowly. Children, at extremes of the distribution...
国际上常用身体质量指数(Body\,Mass\,Index,缩写为BMI)来衡量人体胖瘦及健康程度,其计算公式是BMI=((体重)((单位):kg))(((身高))^2((单位):m^2)). 根据BMI,将人体胖瘦程度划分为四个等级,如表所示: 级别(BMI值μ ) 偏瘦(μ 18.5) 正常(18.5≤ μ 24) 偏胖(24≤ μ 28) 肥胖(μ≥ 28)...
An “obesity paradox” for mortality has been shown in chronic disorders such as diabetes, and attributed to methodological bias, including the use of body mass index (BMI) for obesity definition. This analysis investigated the independent association of BMI versus surrogate measures of central adipos...
We tested the hypothesis that body mass index (BMI) aged 20 years modifies the association of adult weight gain and breast cancer risk. We recruited women (aged 47–73 years) into the PROCAS (Predicting Risk Of Cancer At Screening; Manchester, UK: 2009–
Avg. BMI of American male = 26.6. Avg. BMI of American female = 26.5. Do you know yours? Use our body mass index calculator to see if you're above or below the US average!! We also offer advice & tips on weight loss, weight gain & all round healthy livin
1 肥胖影响高血压的分子机制 高血压是指持续收缩压>130 mmHg(1mm Hg= 0.133 kPa) 或舒张压>80 mmHg[9],是最常见的慢性 非传染性疾病.来自 NHANES 的数据表明,体质 量指数 (body mass index,BMI)>30 kg·m–2 的肥胖 个体高血压患病率为 42.5%,而正常人群为 15.3%. 肥胖者相比...
We used linked existing data from the 2006-2008 American Time Use Survey (ATUS), the Current Population Survey (CPS, a federal survey that provides on-going U.S. vital statistics, including employment rates) and self-reported body mass index (BMI) to answer: How does BMI vary across full...
Pubertal timing has psychological and physical sequelae. While observational studies have demonstrated an association between age at menarche and adult body mass index (BMI), confounding makes it difficult to infer causality. The Mendelian randomization