Acupuncture Body Map; Once Regarded as Quackery, This Ancient Chinese Medicine Is Now Widely Used by the NHS to Treat Everything from Arthritis and Indigestion to Insomnia and, as Kate Moss Revealed Last Week, Even Addiction. Here, We Unveil the Ultimate...
ROIs of all participants were then concatenated into a single volume to produce a consistency map (i.e., how many participants have their ROIs overlapping in the MNI space). Resulting consistency maps were then projected to a group cortical surface (Glasser et al., 2016) using Connectome ...
b Cryo-EM map (two different side views), and c Atomic model of ‘dimeric’ spike in complex with Fu2; and two opposite protomers with two Fu2 molecules. Both spike trimers in the complex are present in ‘3-up’ conformation (six Fu2 molecules are numbered). d Closeup view of the...
resolution gap between the top-down and bottom-up approaches has narrowed. Along with multiple stoichiometry studies, docking of the many crystal structures of nups into the cryo-ET maps has been attempted22,23,25,26,27,28. ForS. cerevisiae, the cryo-ET map allows placement of Y complexes ...
Mind map of second- and third-order themes identified, as well as individual codes in grey. Straight arrows show how codes contributed to the development of themes, and curved arrows show an interrelationship between concepts. Colour coding for second-order codes is shown top right ...
The SARM1NMNmodels were constructed based on a starting model of SARM1 binding to the inhibitor dHNN (PDB 7DJT)23. Using the Dock in Map module of Phenix 1.16, the SAM1-SAM2 region (403–549), the ARM domain (60–402), and the TIR domain (561–701) were each separately docked ...
a Cryo-EM map (left) and ribbon representation (right) of the NbE-µOR-Fab module complex, with the murine µOR colored in blue, NbE in red, the heavy and light chains of the Fab fragment in sky blue and light pink, respectively, and the anti-Fab nanobody (FabNb) in yellow (...