bodylotion和bodycream都是在洗澡后使用的产品。它们的作用是在洗浴后对皮肤进行滋润保湿。两者的主要区别在于质地和使用感受。下面进行 Bodylotion通常在洗澡或淋浴后使用,是一种液体状态的护肤品。由于其质地较为清爽,容易吸收,能够迅速为皮肤补充水分,提供持久的保湿效果。身体乳液通常含有保湿成分,如甘...
1. 乳液(lotion)质地较轻薄,更加清爽,适合夏天使用,油性皮肤的人也可以使用。2. 霜状产品(cream)通常更加滋润,相比乳液更油腻,适合干性皮肤在冬天使用。3. 需要注意的是,润肤霜也有分为清爽和滋润型,所以即使是油性皮肤,也可以选择适合的清爽型润肤霜。
lotion就是乳液,较水一点,比较清爽,夏天用比较合适,油皮也可. cream就是霜状的,一般比较滋润(比乳液),润肤霜有些也有分清爽或者滋润型的,冬天或者干性皮肤用,油性皮肤有点负担过重了. 都是护肤品哟 分析总结。 cream就是霜状的一般比较滋润比乳液润肤霜有些也有分清爽或者滋润型的冬天或者干性皮肤用油性皮肤有点...
Body cream 是一种厚重的润肤产品,设计用于深层滋润和保湿皮肤,尤其是在干燥或敏感的区域。它通常在沐浴后使用,以帮助锁住水分,使皮肤感到柔软和光滑。On the other hand, body lotion is a lighter product that is often used after bathing to moisturize the skin. It is less thick than body...
body lotion是乳液 body cream是乳霜 所以body lotion和body cream都是洗完之后用来抹到身体上的,用来保护身体的,只不过cream的黏度比lotion要高一点
Best body lotion or body cream to use It doesn’t matter if you prefer body lotions more than body creams or the other way around; as long as you use one of them to moisturize your body daily. You can also alternate between using both body lotion and body cream to get the best benef...
1.Body butter是身体黄油,质地是膏状的,比body cream 和body lotion厚,保湿能力更是三者中最强的。
1.Body butter是身体黄油,质地是膏状的,比body cream 和body lotion厚,保湿能力更是三者中最强的。
If you've ever gone shopping for moisturizers, you know that the wide variety of products, including lotions, creams and ointments, makes it even harder to know which one is right for you. What is the difference between body cream and body lotion and how do you decide ...