FunctionsofBodyLanguageinCommunication •ExpressingEmotions:BodylanguageisapowerfultoolforexpressingemotionsFacialexpressions,styles,andpostscancommunicatehappiness,safety,anger,fear,andotheremotions •ShowingConfidence:Confidentbodylanguage,suchasstandingtall,makingeyecontact,andsliming,canhelpyouprojectapositiveand...
1、高中英语模块四,Unit4 Body languageReading,Unit 4 Body Language,First,lets open the exercisebook ,turn to p2,read aloud the text together.,Next,we will come to learn another topic.,Look at the following pictures and try to understand their languages.,crying,laughing,Maybe its_ .,excited,...
Body-Language身体语言英文PPT课件 1 2 Bodylanguageisatypeofnon-verbalcommunicationinwhichphysicalbehavior,asopposedtowords,areusedtoexpressorconveyinformation.Suchbehaviorincludesfacialexpressions,bodyposture,gestures,eyemovement,touchandtheuseofspace.Bodylanguageexistsinbothanimalsandhumans.肢体语言是一种非言语传播的...
Body-Language身体语言PPT英文.pptx,Body LanguageIntroductionBody language is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behavior, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body pos
Body Language on Nonverbal Communication 热度: 新视野英语读写教程1 第8单元 BodyLanguage inCommunication 大学英语体验式教学方法的应用课堂教学课件集汇 Orgnization(组织教学)1 Revision(复习旧知)2 NewKnowledge(讲授新知)3 Consolidation(巩固练习)4
Analye the body language in non-verbal communication.ppt,Analyze the body language in non-verbal communication 肖海贝,潘娜,王雨欣,刘文贞,潘宁 Outlines: The definition and categories of the non-verbal language The signification of body language The co
The body language in nonvobal communication Body Language Body language refers to all nonverbal codes which are associated with body movements. Body language includes gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, postures and other displays that can be used to communicate. General ...
内容提示: Analyze the body Analyze the body language in nonlanguage in non- -verbal communication communication verbal 肖海贝, 潘娜, 王雨欣, 刘文贞, 潘宁肖海贝, 潘娜, 王雨欣, 刘文贞, 潘宁 文档格式:PPT | 页数:18 | 浏览次数:11 | 上传日期:2015-08-01 15:30:24 | 文档星级: Analyze ...
1、BodyLanguage身体语言PPT英文IntroductionBody language is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behavior, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. Bod...
Thefollowingwillintroducesomeofthepeopleincommunicationwiththebodylanguageofthecommonpeople.1,请注意别人靠近你的距离。Pleasenotethatfromsomeoneclosetoyou他人越靠近你,就对你越有兴趣。他人离得 越远,实际上对当前情境或个体的关注就越少。社交场合,如果你稍微靠近身边的人,他是否也会稍微挪得离你远点?这...