Body language-hand & fingers Do you know the names of fingers on your hands? When it comes to body language, they play an important part.In China, if you want to say ten, you can use this gesture(手势). In the UK, it means good luck. But it is very rude to do it in Vietnam...
Body Language【语篇导读】肢体语言是人们相互交流、传达情感的一种方式,但是,由于文化的不同,相同的肢体语言在不同的文化里有着不同的含义。Hand gestures are a quick and quiet way for people ofall cultures to express, both negatively and positively, aparticular feeling or word. Every culture has its...
Many body language gestures can be difficult to learn but hand gestures can be practiced and rehearsed to a point where you can have fairly good control over where your hands are and what they are doing. When you learn to read hand gestures you'll look more confident and feel more ...
网络肢体语言的配合;肢体言语的合作 网络释义
Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere. Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circ...
Hand gestures (手势) are part of body language.The same hand gesture means different things in different countries.Here are some examples. Thumbs (拇指) up In America,you can give somebody the thumbs up if you think something is very good.You can also use it when you're in need of a ...
你能把body language读成英语,也就是“用”上学过的英语facial expressions and hand gestures吗? 都说英语要“学(英语)以致用(英语)”,见到body language你能把“学”过的英语facial expressions abd hand gestures用起来吗?否则,就是“学”英语以致“用”中文。 这才是英语阅读的真谛:训练出把英语“读成”英语...
Using hand gestures early in life can predict that a child will later develop a strong vocabulary, as well as skills related to sentence structure and storytelling, according to a study published in theJournal of Child Language. For the study, researchers asked 6-year-olds to relay what was ...
【题目】Hand gestures(手势)are part of body language. T he same hand gesture means different things in different countries. Here are some examples.Thumbs(拇指)up In America, you cangive somebody the thumbs up if you think something is very good. You can also use it whenyou're in need ...