Module 3Body Language and Nonverbal Communication肢体语言与非语言交际 核心词汇 1.I was very ___ (意识到的)of the fact that I had to make a good impression. 2.I was trying to think of some way to ___ (延长)the...
Body language, in other words, nonverbal behaviour, 1.(reveal) a person's internal thoughts. Observing the body language that the students employ is an important component of being an 2.(educate). By watching their body language, a teacher is aware when the students feel anxious, embarrassed...
Gestures:Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Gary Imai Do we expect other cultures to adopt our customs or are we willing to adopt theirs? This might translate to how business or even foreign relations are to be conducted. Do we compromise or force other peoples to deal only on our ...
Body language is an important part of non-verbal (非言语的) communication. It refers to (1) use of physical behavior, gestures (手势) and expressions to (2) (communication). Body language shows a lot about what a person is thinking about and how a person is feeling. Positive body langua...
1.ThelastactivityistomatchthetwopartsofthesentencesaboutbodylanguageinEuropeor America.Itnotonlyfurtherconsolidatesstudents’understandingofthisgrammarphenomenon’s usebutalsogetthemtoknowmoreaboutEuropeanandAmericanbodylanguagesandgestures concerningnon-verbalcommunicationsoastointeresttheminunderstanding“differentcountries...
Body language is part of nonverbal language. It includes things like gestures, facial expressions, and even small things that are hardly perceptible like a brief shrug of the shoulder or a slight nod of the head. There are many ways to interpret (诠释) body language but you must know that...
Module Three Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Topic sentences: 1. Gestures can vary from country to country. (How) 2. Some informal gestures. (Give examples) In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to ma...
The way you communicate through body language can determine your success in everything from relationships to your career.Use open body language. This means that you have a confident handshake. sit calmly and should be in control of all gestures. Your posture should be relaxed.but your back ...
gestures? LearninggoalsLearninggoals 1.mainidea1.mainidea 2.moredetails2.moredetails 3.vocabulary3.vocabulary 4.usethe4.usethelanguagelanguage Fillintheblanks communic ations body language wordsand sentences ___words writtenwords unconscious bodypositions...