Cash TF, Lewis RJ, Keeton WP: Development and validation of the Body-Image Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire: A measure of body-related conditions. Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 1987. Google Scholar Collins ME: Body figure perceptions and preferences among preadolescent children....
Dimensional structure, psychometric properties, and sex invariance of a Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) translation of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire–Appearance Scales (MBSRQ–AS) in Malaysian Malay adults Viren Swami, Jennifer Todd, Nor Azzatunnisak Mohd. Khatib, Evelyn Kheng Lin Toh,...
Body fat percentage BI: Body image BITE: Bulimic investigatory test, Edinburgh BMD: Bone mineral density BMI: Body mass index BSQ: Body shape questionnaire DXA: Dual X-ray absorptiometry EAT-26: Eating attitudes test ED: Eating disorders FRS: Brazilian figure rating scale ...
Future studies could also use a different measure of body esteem to investigate how consistent the present findings with regard to body esteem are. At least in our Dutch sample, we noted that the reliability of the scale was rather low, which is a limitation of the present study’s investiga...
Note. BMI: Body Mass Index, EDEQ: Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire; IES2: Intuitive Eating Scale 2 Indirect effect = a * b. 4. Discussion This study aimed to bridge the gap in the research examining the relationships between intuitive eating and other indicators of body image and eat...
3. No. I, 32-37 Development of a Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire James C. Rosen, Debra Srebnik, Elayne Saltzberg, and Sally Wendt University of Vermont The purpose was to design a self-report measure of behavioral tendencies that frequently accom- pany body-image disturbance. The result ...
body image states assessment, and a demographics form. Two subscales of the 34-item Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire—Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS; Brown, Cash, & Mikulka, 1990; Cash, 2000) were used. The 9-item Body Areas Satisfaction Scale (BASS) ...
Current smoking, physical inactivity during leisure time (less than 150 min of physical activity per week according to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-long version)21 and psychological well- being (Faces Scale by Andrews, cutoffs: 1–4 for best and 5–7 for worst)22 were the ...
(e.g., Body Image Scale; Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire; Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire) (e.g., Gawlik et al.,2016; Troncone et al.2020a,b). Additionally, six studies developed questionnaires/items specifically for the study (e.g., Bachmeier et al.2020; Ben...
Full size image These results suggest that the scale (as a whole) provides a sufficient and reliable psychometric measure for assessing individuals with high and low levels of the BA behaviours in the range between 2 SDs below and above the mean. Nevertheless, it may not be an ideal measure...