Giraffes exhibit a large sexual dimorphism in body size. Whether sexual dimorphisms also exist in body proportions of the axial and appendicular skeleton h
When oceanic plates diverge, magma seeps upward at the ridge between the plates to create new seafloor (a process called seafloor spreading). Volcanoes form on either side of the ridge. Hot spots are special areas where volcanoes form apart from plates converging or diverging. Hot spots are a...
The Courts’ reasoning was wrapped around the argument that ” a right to abortion cannot be found in the Constitution or inferred from its provisions.” The same could be said for contraception, gay intimacy and same-sex marriage, rights established by three Supreme Court decisions The decision...
The authorities report the body of Marvin Parsons was recovered late Monday afternoon near Holly Park Marina, located near Carters Ferry Road. Parsons was found miles away from where his boat and the body of Diboll were discovered in the lake near Milam, Texas. Sabine Sheriff’s deputies, Lou...
I put on my boots, strapped on the fanny pack, tripod, and camera and looked for a ranger. I asked if it was okay to park there and described the signs. It was his second shift on the job and didn’t know. He found the other ranger there who said “Fred says it’s okay to ...