Starting to exercise can be scary and intimidating. However, this company makes it so easy to feel comfortable and to get into shape. I am so happy that I found them and look forward to continuing with them in the future. Caroline Lebreny There is nothing more important than your health....
ABC trial: body mass index and percentage body fat are not different in positive predictive vaue of miscarriage or preterm delivery in patients undergoing IVFdoi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.07.669Julia G. KimGeorge PatounakisCaroline R. Juneau...
Caroline A RickardsKathy L RyanTom A KuuselaVictor A ConvertinoJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of PhysiologyCooke WH, Rickards CA, Ryan KL, Kuusela TA, Convertino VA. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity during intense lower body negative pressure to presyncope in humans. J Physiol. 2009; 587 :...
Caroline Brand 0001 1537 5962IRyS Group, Physical Education SchoolPontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso Valparaíso ChileValeriano Antonio Corbellinigrid.442060.40000 0001 1516 2975Program in Health Promotion at the University of Santa Cruz do SulRS (...