Treviño Ramos1, J. M. Solís‑Soto3 and A. Rojas‑Martinez2,4* Abstract Background Voluntary post-mortem donation to science (PDS) is the most appropriate source for body dissec‑ tion in medical education and training, and highly useful for...
Donation makes sense to me for the advancement and evolution of health care. It’s a great way to celebrate one’s life. — Rob L., Texas
Other groups, such as Science Care, do allow both organ donation and whole-body donation [sources: Miller, Science Care]. When the group finishes with your body, the leftovers are cremated and returned to your family. No family receives compensation for a body donation; that's illegal [...
This specific problem spurred the creation of the Texas body farm. Ideally, there would be at least one body farm operating in each state -- but it may take many more years for that goal to be realized. For body farms to exist, there have to be bodies -- and yours could be one of...
Offers advice to individuals interested in donating their bodies for scientific research and examines how cadavers are used in research. Examples of betterment in society resulting from the donations of bodies for science; Unethical uses of cadavers; Services offered by universities seeking cadavers; ...
If you’re feeling altruistic and want to give back to society even after you die, body donation is an excellent option. Giving yourself—literally all of yourself—is arguably the most generous gift you can give. But if turning your body over to poking and prodding scientists leaves you fe...
At Life Science Anatomical, we carefully match your donation to the needs of the best medical research and educational facilities. This commitment has made us the whole body donation program of choice for the leading research and teaching institutions in the nation. ...
For help or additional information related to senior care, grief support, and body donation to science, we hope this page will point you in the right direction.
Unclaimed bodies is no more the origin of cadavers, but body donation programs. The dissection is an important part in the anatomical cursus of medical students and for anatomical research and special courses devoted to the surgeons. A body donation center was created in Paris in 1953 with the...
This specific problem spurred the creation of the Texas body farm. Ideally, there would be at least one body farm operating in each state -- but it may take many more years for that goal to be realized. For body farms to exist, there have to be bodies -- and yours could be one of...