Planes,DirectionsandCavities ►Bodycavities ▪Spaceswithinbodythatcontainvitalorgans▪Twomainbodycavities ►Dorsalorposterior ▪Onelong,continuouscavitylocatedonbackofbody▪Dividedintotwosections:cranial,whichcontainsthebrain,andthespinalcavity,whichcontainsthespinalcord Planes,DirectionsandCavities ►Body...
intothecranialcavity,whichcontainsthebrain,andthespinalcavity,whichcontainsthespinalcord.Theventralcavitycontainsthebodyorgansthatmaintainhomeostasis.Homeostasismeans maintainingaconstantinternalenvironment.Theventralcavityisdividedintothreeparts:thoracic,abdominal,andpelviccavities.DivisionsoftheSpinalCord ...
I was talking to a pilot and he told me that many of his passengers think planes are dangerous to fly in. But he said actually, it is a lot more dangerous for a plane to stay on the ground. I say what?
[fig.2.10] Body Cavities The human organism can be divided into an axial(同轴的) portion, which includes the head, neck, and an appendicular(四肢的) portion, which includes the upper and lower limbs. Within the axial portion are two major cavities—a dorsal(背部的) cavity and a larger ...
The vertical cut that divides the body into anterior and posterior sections is called ___. Anatomical Planes: The anatomical planes are used to divide the body into primary portions. To understand the planes, one must also understand the anatomical direction...
Based on the models used, research can be generally divided into two categories: kinematic-model-based and dynamic-model-based methods. In this section, a basic dynamic-model-based method based on a Kalman filter utilizing the linear bicycle model given in Eq. (9.28) will be introduced. To ...
It should be noted that the complete angle of shear deformation γxy is divided into two halves, one placed on each side of the angle considered. By definition, the shear deformation is the angle that quantifies how much an originally right angle changes. These rotations are the same for ...
By means of parting planes this mould body is divided into individual elements of smaller sizes. According to the invention a plurality of zones having different densities and/or natures are formed in the mould body, the individual partin g plane being located within such a zone. Hereby one ...
barryadjective(a.) Divided into bars; -- said of the field. barterynoun(n.) Barter. barwaynoun(n.) A passage into a field or yard, closed by bars made to take out of the posts. baryphonynoun(n.) Difficulty of speech. basicitynoun(n.) The quality or state of being a base. ...