Body condition scores reflect cattle fitnessBruce Schultz
This app assists the user in tallying body condition scores of cattle. The app provides the user with a graphical interface to body conditon score cattle. Data stored may include herd name, scorer name, score date, pen id, cow id, lactation, fresh date and bcs (body condition score). ...
The objectives of this project were 1) to determine whether mean body condition scores for 30-d lactation and dry period intervals can be utilized to appraise body condition changes in a herd and 2) to determine the precision of the mean body condition score for 30-d lactation and dry perio...
Predicting Breeding Values in Animals by Kalman Filter: Application to Body Condition Scores in Dairy Cattle. B, Janss L LG, Kadarmideen HN (2012): Predicting breeding values in animals by kalman filter: application to body condition scores in dairy cattle. Ka... Karacaren,Burak - 《Kafkas...
The body conformation traits of dairy cattle are closely related to their production performance and health. The present study aimed to identify gene variants associated with body conformation traits in Chinese Holstein cattle and provide marker loci for
The objective of the study was to obtain basic information on cattle growth(body height and girth measurements)and body condition(packed cell volume, plasma total protein and body condition scores)in smallholder dairy farming system in northern Vietnam. A total of 99 dairy farms were recruited fro...
The differences in body weight (BW) and measurements between the cows of today and the early 70s was evaluated and the usefulness of heart girth (HG), wither height, body length (BL) and body condition score (BCS) as predictors of the BW of modern Finnish Ayrshire cows was estimated. ...
The study used field data from a regular herd health service to investigate the relationships between body condition scores or first test day milk data and disease incidence, milk yield, fertility, and culling. Path model analysis with adjustment for time at risk was applied to delineate the time...
The body conformation traits of dairy cattle are closely related to their production performance and health. The present study aimed to identify gene variants associated with body conformation traits in Chinese Holstein cattle and provide marker loci for
Body condition of cows had no effect on any of the tested parameters during the thermal neutral period, exceptfor the percentage of protein in milk. Heat stress has been demonstrated to have animpact on all the selected parameters, and has been found to be the cause ofdecreased milk ...