THE MATERNAL BODY CHANGES IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCYDiana, OlimidAnalele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului
The moment you start planning to have a baby, or you get pregnant, you may come across various pregnancy terms and your first trimester is one of them. Read more to know everything about your first trimester of pregnancy.
One of the earliest changes in the breasts during pregnancy is the increased tenderness. During the first trimester, progesterone reaches high levels throughout the body, causing a rapid engorgement of the breast tissue. This can cause a sore feeling in and around the breasts. Many women find t...
Epidemiological analysis of maternal lipid levels during the second trimester in pregnancy and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome adjusted by pregnancy BMI Background Pregnancy is accompanied by profound changes in lipid metabolism. We aimed to assess whether effects of second trimester body mass inde...
The purpose of the present study was to compare which parts of the body fat mass tended to increase during the third trimester and at 1 month postpartum between lactating and nonlactating Japanese women. This prospective study examined 49 healthy pregnant women in the third trimester, and at 1...
We’re here to help you decode cervical mucus & its changes during your menstrual cycle READ THE ARTICLE First trimester of pregnancy From the first signs of pregnancy to your 12-week scan, here’s what you need to know READ THE ARTICLE Second trimester of pregnancy Our foetal development gu...
When I got pregnant and wasn’t really enjoying the first trimester, it was a bit of a rude awakening. Once the second trimester started and I was feeling better, everything got better — including my mood. This was also the time my body started to change a bit. Instead of it looking...
severe they can't wear a bra," adds Twogood. "The soreness usually goes away as a woman progresses into the second trimester, but the fullness remains." We have our hormones to blame for these changes: estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin (the hormone that triggers the body to produce ...
Early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue may have been your first signs of pregnancy. For some women, pregnancy symptoms start even before a missed period – though they're more likely to surface later. Your body changes so much during pregnancy, inside and out: Fin...
Pregnancy doesn’t just change your shape; it also changes your skin. Take the linea nigra: It’s the dark line that appears during pregnancy and runs from the middle of your belly to your pubic bone. A common hyperpigmentation that develops mid-pregnancy, it usually fades about three months...