网络体型 网络释义 1. 体型 体型(bodybuilt):Height(高度):tall 高的,short 矮的,medium height中等高度的,不高不矮的。询问身高的话可以说:…|基于 1 个网页
bod·y·build·ing (bŏd′ē-bĭl′dĭng) n. The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, especially for competitive exhibition. bod′y·build′ern. ...
coach-body makers. In the modern sense probably frombody-building, which is attested by 1892, perhaps 1881, in the "training for physical strength and fitness" sense, said to have been coined by R. J. Roberts, superintendent of the Boston Y.M.C.A. gymnasium. Seebody(n.) +build(v.)...
事实隐藏在平静的水面之下,dogsbody实际上表示: a person who has to do all the boring or unpleasant jobs that other people do not want to do 不得不做其他人不想做的无聊或枯燥工作的人 dogsbody最初是对初级海军军官的称呼,现在指“勤杂工,杂...
overbuild vt. 建造过多;建造在...上面 overburden vt. 装载过多,负担过多,使过劳 n. 过重的负担 overbusy adj. 太忙的,太好多管闲事的 overbuy vt. 买得过多或过贵 overcareful adj. 过分谨慎的,过分用心的 overcharge v. 讨价过高,使过量装填过度充电 n.超载,过重的负担,过度充电 ...
6.Brittany Fried Brttany Fried has 134,000 followers, and endorses Blackstone Lab products in her posts. She also shows off her squat-built legs in super trendy leggings. She’s inspired by her body and looks back on old pictures on instagram to inpire her to keep improving her body ever...
dogsbody最初是对初级海军军官的称呼,现在指“勤杂工,杂务工”,也就是“打杂的打工人”。 命运的齿轮开始转动,多年前学过的单词打在了苦命打工人的头上。 dogsbody是很典型的合成词,这也是高中阶段我们必须掌握的构词法之一。 下面为大家整理一些常见的合成词,希望今年暑假能帮大家扩大词汇量,以后不做dogsbody。
frame本意是“框架”的意思,比如门框就可以用frame, 它和shape有点类似,侧重一个人的size or build(体形) I really admire her slim frame. 我真羡慕她苗条的身材。 02. 怎么用英语夸别人身材好? in good shape:身材好,身形...
We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy ;it it built into us that ourbodiesknow how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. 出自-2016年考研翻译原文 It is like the immune system of thebody, which under stress or through lack of nutrition or exercise can be weakened, but wh...
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