Tuft University researchersdiscoveredpeople who drink onesugar-sweetened beveragea day face a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease compared to those who steer clear of beverages containing added sugars. (They also have an increased risk of dementia and stroke.) ...
and Nutrition ProposalB-Vitamins and One-Carbon MetabolismBalancing Physical Activity and Nutrition for Human HealthBenefits of Resveratrol SupplementationBeverage Consumption and Human HealthBeverage Consumption Habits around the World: Association with Total Water and Energy IntakesBinge Eating DisorderBinge Eat...
Saliva shows large variability in flow rate during low levels of hydration [5], as well as variation in results due to interference with food and beverage consumption, oral hygiene routines, dental erosions and circadian rhythm [6]. A physiological or biological marker is a measurable indicator ...