This site will tell you about my healing practice in Medical Qigong, Geomancy and Feng Shui located near Nashville, Tennessee. I am a medical intuitive. I provide a safe, nurturing and spiritual environment to assist you in your healing process. Healing comes at all levels of our being—...
I love you and care about your well-being. Let’s get you started on a path that brightens the light within you as you experience maternity! Schedule a FREE 30-minute Magnificent ME Motherhood Consultation Motherhood comes with many struggles. In this call, we have a conversation to get a...
Using the Body Window is a journey to healing and health through understanding the emotional and spiritual causes for our physical symptoms and illnesses. Come, start your journey with me and explore the life changing possibilities that await you. You can create health and healing in your life!
Traditional healing aims to restore harmony and balance within the individual through a symbiosis of the body, mind and spirit. Through this process traditional healing offers a holistic conceptualization of wellness and wellbeing, both within the individual, and between the individual and his or her...
I slept by my father's side for the first four months, tending as much as I could to his every discomfort, understanding the deep human psychological fear of not being able to call out for help. My mother, sisters, brother an...
Nancy Sottos became famous for a major breakthrough in creating a self-healing plastic that relied on “microcapsules”(微胶费)一tiny, self-contained grains of liquid resin (树脂) put into the material. When a crack formed in the plastic, some of these capsules cracked and the resin flowed...
Discover how intuitive holistic healing in Asheville, NC can transform your life. Connect with me to start your journey towards well-being today!
As you can see, the healing process provides a lot of benefits. Ultimately, it is important to remember that to heal means to become a better, happier human being. There is no other way tolove yourselfthan to mend your scars and become the person you were always meant to be. ...
or sizeism have made you believe your body isn't the right kind of body. Whatever the reason, many of us don't feel at home in our bodies. But being disconnected from ourselves as bodies means being disconnected from truly living and from the interconnection that weaves us all together. ...
24.2. TREATMENTS AND THERAPY|治疗与疗法 In this section, we will explore various treatments and therapies that can help improve well-being and address different health concerns. We will cover a range of therapeutic practic...