You may also have:Shortness of breath Chills, fever, body aches Loss of sense of smell or taste Unusual tiredness Stuffy(不通的) or runny nose Nause a or diarrhea No Symptoms?Some studies show that up to 40% of people with COVID-19 are "asymptomatic(无症状的)." That means they do...
Aches and pains Changes in your sleeping patterns, such as insomnia or sleepiness Changes in your social behavior, such as avoiding other people Changes in your emotional response to others Emotional withdrawal Low energy, fatigue Unfocused or cloudy thinking ...
The first symptoms that typically appear include a fever, headache,sorethroat, and dry cough. But what you'll feel can vary widely in this early stage. You may also have: ●Shortnessof breath ● Chills, fever, ...
s clear in the middle and grows over a period of days -- it can be up to 12 inches across. The rashes -- there can be more than one -- don't necessarily show up near the bite.Lyme diseaseis treated with antibiotics, but some people still have aches and tiredness after finishing ...
Arnica cream is plant-based and often used to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation and heal wounds. However, always seek the advice of your doctor before you go ahead and use this cream. The night before It is important to follow the preparation rules the night before as they are the ...
Dehydration is more than a strong thirst, though that is one of the presenting symptoms alongside tiredness, lightheadedness and dark, odourful urine. Dehydration is a disrupting of the body’s natural balance. Water makes up over two-thirds of a normal healthily functioning human body, it is...
The first symptoms that typically appear include a fever, headache, sore throat, and dry cough. But what you'll feel can vary widely in this early stage. You may also have: Shortness of breath Chills, fever, body aches Loss of sense of smell or taste ...
Aches and Pains: How You Feel The next thing that happens to people as they age is that many develop conditions which lead to aches and pains. Some of these conditions are simply excesses and deficiencies of actions and behaviors. For example, not exercising is a deficiency that commonly lead...
She had no body aches so that threw me. I did take her to the Children’s Hospital in Hollywood, where she received the diagnosis…and orders to stay home, rest, and drink lots of fluids. That’s what we did. She really ran herself down. With school, her play, and college ...
“I also note that you smile when you talk about your pains and aches, as if you’re trying to soften the impact of your words. How and why might you have learned to do that? The reflex of smiling when people talk about physical pain, or about painful events or incidents or thoughts...