Claudia, the young female narrator of Morrison’s first novel,The Bluest Eye, is fascinated by the mysterious, seductive yet also destructive nature of beauty. As a young girl growing up in Ohio in the years following the Great Depression, she experiences a disjunction between abstract white bea...
The narrative concerns a white southern writer—Miss Skeeter—who, on seeing the daily struggles of the black servants that sustain her domestic world in Jackson, Mississippi, decides to write down the lives of these women. Skeeter thus embarks on a difficult project of interviewing local maids,...
The reporter for Jackson, Mississippi's Clarion-Ledger specializes in uncovering new evidence about unsolved civil rights-era murders. His stories have helped lead to arrests in long-d... The unrepentant Beckwith was the first KKK hit man that Mitchell, a reporter for the Clarion-Ledger in ...
[A.W.], University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi 39216; Department of Surgery [T.-L.T.], Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90033 ABSTRACT: When a sheep loses its tail, it cannot regenerate it in the manner of lizards....
. The block, which formed a shallow platform for Late Jurassic deposition, is bounded on the west by an older component of the Jackson Fault and slopes eastward into the present graben complex of the Gilbertown and West Bend Faults. This location placed the platform in a position between the...
Jones is suspected of killing the children in South Carolina before bringing their bodies to Alabama, Wilcox County district attorney Michael Jackson told the Associated Press. “This is a very tragic situation,” Mr Jackson said. “These kids’ lives were snuffed out before they ...
Thomas J. Honan of Jackson County, nominated by Rep. Behymer of Madison County. By a vote of 53–47, Rep. Branch was declared the Speaker-elect, thus having a “life and death power over bills.”420 In total, this regular session lasted from 10 January 1907 to 11 March 1907 (61 ...
Solvable takes the listener behind closed doors and speaks directly to the past and current personnel who are responsible for investigating these crimes. In addition, family members and others who are most impacted by these tragedies share their stories in the hopes that answers will one day be ...